Farrakan the second?


Working for the weekend
What is up with him?? :confused:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative Christian televangelist Pat Robertson told citizens of a Pennsylvania town that they had rejected God by voting their school board out of office for supporting "intelligent design" and warned them on Thursday not to be surprised if disaster struck.


Well-Known Member

once said that as he aged, he decided to listen more and contribute less: thus he weighed opinions more thoroughly as he reached his 70's & 80's.
I truly wish Robertson would folow the advice of that old deist.

Pat may have more of an OT approach to life when confronted with with issues that run counter to scripture. It is as if he thinks only zealot fundamentalists are listenning to him and he is wrong: a bunch of cynics, agnostics, athiests etc read his quotes and shake their heads... Sorry Pat...but you have to measure your pronouncements more carefully and not be so bombastic. Leave the Proclamations of Doom to the real Prophets.


Lem Putt
He has made himself so irrelevant. He can only make the news by spouting this ignorant junk. He's too stupid to realize that he's hurting his cause by alienating anyone with an IQ above 50.


New Member
Second Farakan?

I don't see your connection...Farakan is a disciple of Elijah Muhammad (founder of the Nation of Islam), which promotes a seperate black state.

I am not aware that Pat Roberson ever promoted a white only church or state. While I do not agree with all of Roberson's remarks, I don't believe he is a blatant racist like Farakan. :howdy:


Working for the weekend
GIjoeKungFUgrip said:
I don't see your connection...Farakan is a disciple of Elijah Muhammad (founder of the Nation of Islam), which promotes a seperate black state.

I am not aware that Pat Roberson ever promoted a white only church or state. While I do not agree with all of Roberson's remarks, I don't believe he is a blatant racist like Farakan. :howdy:
The connection is they are both radical lunatics.


New Member
Farakan vs Roberson

Ok, I guess I see your connection, however the worst thing I ever heard Roberson say was that he agreed that a dictator be taken out (via CIA).


New Member
Please enlighten me a little! Is the "intelligent design", the same as the "theory of evolution"? I'm sorry its early and I haven't had my coffee yet! :confused:


Farakan vs Roberson
GIjoeKungFUgrip said:
Ok, I guess I see your connection, however the worst thing I ever heard Roberson say was that he agreed that a dictator be taken out (via CIA).
FYI, it's Farrakhan, not Farakan
and it's Robertson, not Roberson.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
duzzey1a said:
Please enlighten me a little! Is the "intelligent design", the same as the "theory of evolution"?
Just the opposite. "Intelligent design" means God created us and meant to do it the way we are. "Evolution" means that we came from a lower life form and our species changes as we need to adapt to our environment.


staring into the abyss
Intelligent Design, in general, is a hypothesis that suggests that (a) God tinkered with creation here and there, fixing this a bit, updating that a bit because evolution (supposedly) doesn't cover certain advances in biological structures. Critics call it "creationism in a cheap tuxedo" because the primary supporters are from fundementalist Christian groups who want creationism in the classroom. Some of the supporting agencies are young-earth groups who teach a 10,000 year old universe with dinosaurs on the ark, etc. Others simply don't like the suggestion that evolution is a supported science along with plate techtonics and electromagnetic theory.

From a scientific standpoint it fails because it doesn't predict anything, have any laws or defined methods. The few bits of science it does have tend toward big-number statistics that attempt to determine what's been designed and what hasn't. There is no "theory" to compare with evolution, which has an enormous amount of scientific work supporting it. At best its a hypothesis, although a poorly defined one.

From a theological standpoint, it fails because it can suggest an incompentent or evil designer. Since it never names the designer (intentionally) so as not to appear overtly religious, it invites ridicule as biologists point out bits of nature that seem badly "designed" or which are horrific. For example, some of the abilities of parasites and insects are pretty nasty in their complexity and gruesome purpose. Also, it allows the designer to be an alien (which I suppose thrills the Raleans and Scientologists), a demon,a devil, etc.

One rallying cry is "teach the controversy", which begs the question of their being a controversy to teach. By redefining what we are teaching in science class, you invite legitimizing all sorts of lunacy. How about Holocaust Denial in history class? There's a number of people who claim that there was no genocide in WWII, or deny any number of other historical events. Were the pyramids built by aliens or were they perhaps giant water pumps (not kidding, search the internet)? Teach the controversy!


Routinely Derailed
I'm not going to judge Pat Robertson or anyone else. I would say there are other ways of getting the Lord's message to people, and I'd say that being an agent for change involves a power greater than one's own. I agree with Pat that a nation which denies God won't be around for long. The calamity Pat predicts will be a whole lot bigger than one school district, though, and I expect to have gone to heaven before that happens.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
No matter what the schools do, I'm teaching my kids evolution. It's a theoretical science and deserves to be taught just as any other theoretical science. I intended to have my kids prepared for college and not hamstrung by some religious advocates.