Fast Food and Pleasant Service...

doesn't exist is St. Mary's County! Here's my rant.

At 1pm today, rebeka and I decided to have some fast food lunch. Simple enough, by 1:15pm the big crowd should have passed through. So we decided to have a couple of those spicy chicken sandwiches from Wendy's.

We jumped in the car and drove to the nearest Wendy's, in California, near Wal-Mart. We walked in and took a quick look around. Not too busy. We would be next in line to give our order. I didn't give much thought to the two couples that were already waiting for there order. And I missed to guy who was trying to get the correct condiments on his sandwiches.

Anyway, we waited for our turn. Waited some more....waited a bit longer. Then couple before us we told, "just a minute, please". And we waited some more. Turns out the couple that was waiting for food had ordered seven sandwiches. It was more than the counter folks could handle, so I’ll give 'em some slack for that.

Everyone on the other side of the counter (except one) was moving slower than a crippled snail. At least one was mumbling to themselves. Finally, the seven-sandwich couple and the couple ahead of us got their food. 1:35pm, now it was OUR turn.

"Two spicy chicken sandwiches please", I requested.

"That will take six minutes", was the reply.


"That will take six minutes, do you want to wait?"

"No, that's ok. I don't have the time". We turned around, and now I was mumbling to myself. This has been my same experience the past three times I've visited that Wendy's. As we walked out, I vowed never to return. It was time to put my foot down. Off to McDonald's at San Souci.

So, we get to Micky D's. We were gonna be next in line. Deja Vu all over again! Again, we looked around. One customer waiting for food. One customer ahead of us. The gal waiting for food looked as if she had been waiting since breakfast. If you looked closely, you could see the steam rising from her head.

We looked over at the fryer. rebeka commented, "at least the fries will be hot". And I replied, "I don't see a basket handle", doesn't look to me like they are cooking fries". And they were not, not until after we placed our order. In the meantime, the six cars in the drive thru were just burning gasoline.

Nothing against high schoolers (one lives with me), but this store looked like it was being run by them. No manager type in site. These folks seemed to be competing with Wendy's for "slowest fast food worker" award.

The kid who took our order acted like he was doing me a favor. Of course, he was dressed in typical McDonald's-required dress - a shirt that looked like it needed an oil change and a hat jerked around the side of his head - giving off that inspiring "welcum t da' hood" message. The whole counter experience had us geared for the worst.

By 2pm, rebeka and I were finally sitting down to eat our Big Macs and fries. As it turned out, the food was pretty good, not sloppily made, and the fries were hot. Fifteen minutes later we were heading home. Altogether, fast food - in under an hour and a half.

All I expect from a fast food place is semi-fast service, in a clean (not sparkling - just clean) place, without an attitude from the employees. Oh, and the food should be available and properly prepared. That's it! That's what they are in business to do! I used to do this for a McDonalds in '70. Why can't it be done today?

Anyone have a similar experience to share? :frown:


Nothing to see here
I've posted this before...about Wendys..

Counterdweeb: Take your order?
Me: Yes, a double cheese with everything and a small coke.
Counter: We don't have small cokes.
Me: Ok, give me the smallest drink you have.
Counter: I just told you we don't have small drinks, we have medium, large and super.
Me: ok..give me the smallest one (testing the thought process)
Me: bye....

I just don't remember it being this bad until the last 10 yrs or so, I've received totally wrong meals in restaurants and when pointed out to the waiter/waitress, they want to argue with you.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
I've received totally wrong meals in restaurants and when pointed out to the waiter/waitress, they want to argue with you.
Do they throw pennies at you? :wink:


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by RoseRed
Do they throw pennies at you? :wink:

Got nailed in the forehead with a quarter by a dirtball when I was working a Grateful Dead concert at RFK...does that count?? Have worked and been to alot of concerts(country,metal,rap,soul) over the years, by far the worst crowds are at the Dead shows..


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
Got nailed in the forehead with a quarter by a dirtball when I was working a Grateful Dead concert at RFK...does that count?? Have worked and been to alot of concerts(country,metal,rap,soul) over the years, by far the worst crowds are at the Dead shows..

:yeahthat: I remember when they would play at Shoreline in Mountain View, CA and the groupies would camp out in the parking lot at Safeway. Had to take your life into your own hands going to buy groceries. :losers:
Originally posted by RoseRed
:yeahthat: I remember when they would play at Shoreline in Mountain View, CA and the groupies would camp out in the parking lot at Safeway. Had to take your life into your own hands going to buy groceries. :losers:

Really?! From Dead-Heads!! :confused: I thought those were peace-lovin', flower-child types?! Don' t tell me I've been wrong alll these years. :frown:


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by StillCrazy
Really?! From Dead-Heads!! :confused: I thought those were peace-lovin', flower-child types?! Don' t tell me I've been wrong alll these years. :frown:

Oh yeah...enjoy their music but, believe me, their crowds(went to one concert in 70s, worked 3 in the 90s) were the worst by FAR when it came to basic decency. Too many groupies following their tours with no money, they(groupies) espouse the peace, love, dove crap while they pick your pocket. In my eyes, GD concerts are a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10, and I don't know of any concert I've seen that was below a 7. Save your money for the next Pink Floyd concert and go to that..10 times better...


New Member
I can remember days in Suitland/Forestville, with friends telling the McD people to give us food, late at night, they never had a problem and neither did we, but that was then and this is now........:cheers: Now days, I never send back for food if not satisfied, I just get up and leave without paying. I like places like SubWay, where I can watch them prepare my food in front of me at lunch time, If it is not a big deal I just eat the food, if it is a big deal I let them know about it, then, like I said, Just leave. I'd never eat some place after complaining about the food, and I would think a person very strange to eat at an establishment after complaining about their food. I'm sure they get some kind of special sauce with their food when it comes....:cheers: Like I said, never complain, but, if you do, get up and leave...:cheers:


Football addict
Thats one thing I refuse to do, work in a fast food restaurant! They treat you like crap, you get paid crap, and work you like a dog.


New Member
Been there, done that.......didn't like it, if I could go back in time I'd tear that fast food manager up for yelling at me when I was a teen, the 40 something loser working in a hamburger shop thinking he was the shiznick.........:cheers:


Originally posted by StillCrazy
Anyone have a similar experience to share? :frown:

All I can say is that there's a reason these people work at McDonalds.

It could be worse. People's lives could depend on them. At least counter-warts can't hurt anyone back there.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by TripleJ
Been there, done that
:yeahthat: I think back on all the middle-aged losers that yelled at me when I was a kid employee and it makes me laugh. I've been the boss of many people over the course of my various careers and I've never so much as raised my voice to any of them.


New Member
I agree, I am in a position of authority, and seldom have to yell. When I raise my voice it is only so that I may be heard over the voice of the person that I am talking to.... People like to talk over each other and to talk loudly as if that is going to make their point for them. I find this works when talking to two or more argumentative people..........."We can all sing at the same time, but, we can not talk at the same time." That gives me the moment hesitation that I need to gain control of the conversation..... It seems that people have the need to be respected..... I point out how they are disrespecting either me or another with their actions, and this puts the weight on their shoulders.... It lets them know if they want to be heard and respected they will have to adhere to a proper correspondence of behavior... anyway, like I said it works... unless one is on crack cocaine, then all bets are off........:cheers:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
Oh yeah...enjoy their music but, believe me, their crowds(went to one concert in 70s, worked 3 in the 90s) were the worst by FAR when it came to basic decency. Too many groupies following their tours with no money, they(groupies) espouse the peace, love, dove crap while they pick your pocket. In my eyes, GD concerts are a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10, and I don't know of any concert I've seen that was below a 7. Save your money for the next Pink Floyd concert and go to that..10 times better...

:yeahthat: I have never attended one of their concerts, never been a huge enough fan to fight the crowd an such. But as for my earlier comment about the grocery store, it was true. You had to make sure your car was locked up or they would help themselves and they'd follow you in the lot either asking for money or trying to sell you drugs to make some money.