Father jailed for taping jersey on son


Supper's Ready
Eh, it's just a case of typical domestic pressure from football season. They'll be alright once the season is over.



Supper's Ready
I'm guessing we'll see bare-chested, painted fans in sub-freezing temps this weekend in Green Bay!



Pardeeville is a great name. One would expect it to have a bar every quarter of a mile (like St. Marys), but it is actually quiet. Very beautiful and it has great parks for the kids. My in-laws live there and we attended a t-ball game. The park where they held the game was extraordinary, but I guess that is why their taxes are so high.


I know nothing
Don't mess with a Packers fan! I will say to this day the Philly and NYG fans are the worst!

As a philly fan and native philadelphian I would have to agree. However I would rank redskins fans above philly and giants fans anyday.

Redskins fans are the worst sore loosers in the league. hands down!!!

Everytime Ive gone there with buddies of mine or my wife to enjoy a game, we have always had a negitive experience.

the last 2 skins/giants games that my wife went to, people tried to fight her...

I mean come on, if you have to pick on a women to make yourself feel better after a loss, than you are a worthless piece of shh!t...


New Member
As a philly fan and native philadelphian I would have to agree. However I would rank redskins fans above philly and giants fans anyday.

Redskins fans are the worst sore loosers in the league. hands down!!!

Everytime Ive gone there with buddies of mine or my wife to enjoy a game, we have always had a negitive experience.

the last 2 skins/giants games that my wife went to, people tried to fight her...

I mean come on, if you have to pick on a women to make yourself feel better after a loss, than you are a worthless piece of shh!t...

I went to a Philly Vs Skins game a few years back and there were more Philly fans there then Skins fans. It was just funny how many fights were breaking out in the stands. Cops were running all over the place!

Now on the oppsite side of the scale I think that Tampa fans are real chill! Went to a game in Tampa two years ago no one was talking trash in the stands or anything. It must be the warm weather.

Chainsaw Slayer

New Member
The father should have just throughn his son out of the house for refusing to follow his rules.

If I had a kid that didn;t like the same football team as me I would put them up for adoption.


Well-Known Member
I'm just glad with all the horrific reports of child abuse, this was the worst this child had to endure. I don't necessarily agree with what the father did, but I'm glad that's all he did.

That is all.