Favorite Bird

What is your favorite bird?

  • Total voters

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I like the big woodpeckers that come eat the peanuts I put on the deck railing every morning, which explains why I'm late to work some days. I spent $15 on peanuts today. I can't vote.


BS Gal said:
I like the big woodpeckers that come eat the peanuts I put on the deck railing every morning, which explains why I'm late to work some days. I spent $15 on peanuts today. I can't vote.

Are they the "woodheaded redpeckers" ???? :confused::otter:
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Bustem' Down said:
I guess I'm a lady now because I'm too dumb to read. :lol:

OMG, You didn't :killingme

Please tell us guys what the pole results are ......

Holy Shiat, what was your vote ? :faint:

did you take "the pole" ? :yikes:
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New Member
Nickel said:
I know this is supposed to be funny, but I can't for the life of me figure out why. :ohwell:
I don't get it either, I only voted because I had nothing better to do. :lol: