FBC cancels Judge Napalitano's Freedom Watch


New Member
Looks like Spooky Dude's takeover of Fox News and Fox Business Channels continues:

Fox drops Judge Napolitano show


Fox drops Judge Napolitano show

'Say goodbye to the most uncompromisingly conservative program on TV'
Published: 2 days ago

WASHINGTON – Judge Andrew Napolitano’s “Freedom Watch” on Fox Business Channel, arguably the most hard-hitting conservative show on TV, is being dropped by the network later this month in a major shakeup of the lineup.

FBC is also dropping shows by David Asman and Eric Bolling. The network will repeat earlier shows, “The Willis Report,” “Cavuto” and “Lou Dobbs Tonight” in their place.

Fox is also developing a new show hosted by Melissa Francis, who recently joined FBN from CNBC, that will air at 5 pm ET.

Bolling and Napolitano will continue their on-air roles at Fox Business and Fox News; Asman will continue to anchor the 4 pm ET show on Fox Business.

“We look forward to Judge Napolitano, David and Eric continuing to make significant contributions to both FOX Business and FOX News,” said FBN Executive Vice President Kevin Magee.

In response, WND Editor Joseph Farah, who appeared on Napolitano’s show earlier this week, said: “Say goodbye to the most uncompromisingly conservative program on TV. It may have been the only show on TV that measured politics and economics through the lens of the U.S. Constitution.”


New Member
Dang, I liked the Judge for the most part........

Yes, he went after all sides to stick up for Constitutional Government. He lambasted TSA and the Patriot Act of Bush 43 along with Obama's attacks on liberty. We are being set up for a dictatorship.

I saw where Spooky Dude's person was hired by Fox and she is working from within, I think she is named Susan Kohn. Watch Glenn Beck on GBTV sometimes, bought Roku for it. He alluded very clearly that Spooky Dude ran him out of Fox for disclosing him. Remember, Spooky Dude made big bucks destroying the British Pound, I think he is after the Euro now, then the USD. He is attacking Frau Merkel who is the only leader in Europe working to save the EU and the Euro.

Well, the World is supposed to end this year, so I guess it won't matter.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Yes, he went after all sides to stick up for Constitutional Government. He lambasted TSA and the Patriot Act of Bush 43 along with Obama's attacks on liberty. We are being set up for a dictatorship.

I saw where Spooky Dude's person was hired by Fox and she is working from within, I think she is named Susan Kohn. Watch Glenn Beck on GBTV sometimes, bought Roku for it. He alluded very clearly that Spooky Dude ran him out of Fox for disclosing him. Remember, Spooky Dude made big bucks destroying the British Pound, I think he is after the Euro now, then the USD. He is attacking Frau Merkel who is the only leader in Europe working to save the EU and the Euro.

Well, the World is supposed to end this year, so I guess it won't matter.

what the hell does Soros have to do with FOX ?


FOX wants FBN to be a business network, not an extension of the political operation at FNC. It's got nothing to do with Soros, but he sure does make a nice boogeyman. :yay:


New Member
Spooky Dude has planted Susan Kohn an employee of his tax-exempt Media Matters in Fox. She is influencing the way things are reported and controls people. Glenn Beck spoke out against Spooky Dude and he was pushed off the network. The remainder are running scared that they will be next.

It is best to write in code so that the BHO regime can not easily find the people against him.