Fed report finds 75% of $800 billion Paycheck Protection Program didn't reach employees


PREMO Member
Taxpayers paid $4 for every $1 in wages and benefits received by workers in jobs saved by the federal government’s pandemic Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), according to a new study by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

The Fed study also found PPP didn’t support jobs at risk of disappearing, and money flowed disproportionately to wealthier households.

“The PPP was a very large and very timely fiscal-policy intervention, saving about 3 million jobs at its peak in the second quarter of 2020 and distributing $800 billion well within two years of the onset of the COVID-19 crisis,” authors William Emmons and Drew Dahl concluded in their study, “Was the Paycheck Protection Program Effective?”

“But it was poorly targeted, as almost three-quarters of its benefits went to unintended recipients, including business owners, creditors and suppliers, rather than to workers. Due to differences in the typical incomes of those varied constituencies, it also ended up being quite regressive compared with other major COVID-19 relief programs, as it benefited high-income households much more.”

Is anyone surprised ?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Name 1 government handout that isn't full of fraud, actually assists the needy without being overly burdensome or doesn't pander to certain voting groups.

Remember Katrina where, just like Oprah's show, everybody gets a prepaid debit card. Those cards were used in Hawaii, on cruise ships, in Vegas casinos and various jewelry stores & tattoo parlors across America. Did some people benefit from having those cards? Surely many folks found some financial relief. But quite a few got over big time.

I can't wait to see how the government does the student loan cancellation or reparations.