Feds Warn Spectacular attacks


Football season!
I still don't see why we are playing hide and seek in the deserts in the middle east.. Tell all americans to pull out of the region and just level the entire freaking area. Simply tired of all this BS.. They want to give as a feeling of living in terror?? How about setting up a couple of nuclear sites around the middle east and see just how tough they are then.. They are simply lucky that the American leadership doesn't have the balls to use all of the different weapons that we do have.. We spend billions developing the "next best weapon" only to have it sit in a basement.. What a waste..

These miserable little pissants are really getting on my nerves and we are not doing enough to solve the problem. These islamic terrorists are such freaking idiots.. They want to bring down the "American power".. Then how the heck will THEY survive afterwards?? The billions of dollars that we pour into some of these countries for building, for food, for child care, for health care.. Who will be their next biggest buyer of their oil (the one item that keeps money in the region) if we are destroyed?

And while I'm ranting, let me say I am also sick of this BS about islam being the religion of peace.. Then it just so happens that the more we find out about the terrorists, the more we find they are islamic.. And their support seems to be growing from within the islamic community.. I think its time we called a spade a spade and singled out that yes, indeed, islam as we know it today is a supporter of terror.. Yes, we have our christian extremist but you can pretty much keep track of the very small number of those in this country.. Look at the islamic terrorists.. They have people in what seems like every country in the world.. To have this many people in so many different countries, I don't see how anyone can sit their with a straight face and say these people are only extremists in a peaceful islamic religion, and only a few exist.. a FEW doesn't measure up to the size of the islamic terror group world wide.

I think more and more people are beginning to feel the way I do about this.. Terrorists are missing their point now.. Instead of instilling fear in us, they are promoting anger and once this anger reaches the top of our military and political chain, watch out. it is getting there.. though possibly wrongly channeled aggression, I do feel sorry for saddam and the country of Iraq.. Hopefully these terrorists will learn from this dismantling that we are more than capable of taking care of business wherever that need may be.

Wether right or wrong, the actions of these islamic terrorists is going to cause hardship to the islamic world as a whole.. It may be racial killings here.. Maybe focused killings overseas.. But people are getting fed up with these wannabe soldiers and are wanting results. If the government wont take care of it, then the people here will start acting.. I'm not saying this is the right thing to do, but you will begin to see it happening.


I agree with you totally smalltown. What shocks me is that you see Muslims on TV saying stuff like "muslims could have never done that" it's unbelievable. From a very early age their children are taught to hate the western world and told how evil we are because if they didnt have these feelings then they would want life like we have it and their government/religious control would be over. Notice that Muslims can not get along with any other religion, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, and probably others.

Fourty years ago we didnt know how good we had it to have enemys like the Soviets, they were much more useful than "friends" like the Saudi's.

About a month ago I was on vacation and I saw a TV commercial from the people of Saudi Arabia saying that they were our friends and how they want to continue to be our friends.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Kyle
Damn, SmallTown!

I'm shocked. You're startin to come around! :cheers:

:roflmao: You know, I was thinking the same exact thing! :roflmao:

You'll never fully get rid of Muslim Extremists, they're like cockroaches! But it sure does feel good squashing the ones you do find!

I'm still super charged after the CIA took a hellfire missile to them! It appears as if the CIA has been handed back their nads. I do believe they were locked away in a vault for almost a decade! :rolleyes: