feline vaccines


New Member
Hi, I have just recently been reading that cats do not need annual boosters of distemper and feleuk vaccines. It was stating every 3 years. I know you can do that with rabies after the initial set. Does anyone have any knowledge about this as I would like to pass if it true as I worry about the serious side effects. Thanks.


New Member
I worked for a vet in st marys for almost 3 years, and this is what we recommended to our clients.
Outside kitties:
3 year Rabies after the inital one at 12 weeks, booster at 1 year and again at 2 years
FVRCP (Feline distemper) Annually
FELV (Feline Leukemia) Annually
FIP / FIV Annually if at high rsk (outside cats/intact males that like to fight)

Inside kitties
3 year Rabies after the inital one at 12 weeks, booster at 1 year and again at 2 years
FVRCP (Feline distemper) every 3 years, after the initial series of 3 and boosters at 1 year and 2 years

I know its a bit confusing, but more and more vets are trying to tailor vaccine protocols to individual cats instead of just doing a one size fits all type of approach. If you want more info, just pm me!


New Member
Thanks, I did read though that once they get their boosters they are in fact immune probably for a lifetime. I am not against getting their vaccines. I am just weighing the pros and cons. I would hate to get a vaccine to protect them and then wind up damaging them. Don't get me wrong, we have always marched in every year and did the "right" thing with getting them all their vaccines. They are in and out cats so they are considered high risk and they are currently up to date with all vaccines.


New Member
I can only tell you what I was taught when working... our vets really tried to tailor the vaccine protocols to each pet so we were not overdoing it. The FIV vaccine has some drawbacks to it (the cat will test positive for FIV with only the vaccine present in its system - not the actual infection) so really talk to the vet and see what is needed for your guys. Some vets just want everyone to get the same thing and make it easier on themselves, find one that really listens to you and asks questions about lifestyle, feeding habits, indoor/outdoor etc so they know what is needed for your guys. I don't know where you are located (charles, st marys, calvert) but I used to work at St. Marys Vet and would so highly recommend them. Dr. Forrest owns the practice, and there are 5 other vets with him. My animals would still be seen there but its a bit of a hike from Va where I just moved! Good luck and feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


I can only tell you what I was taught when working... our vets really tried to tailor the vaccine protocols to each pet so we were not overdoing it. The FIV vaccine has some drawbacks to it (the cat will test positive for FIV with only the vaccine present in its system - not the actual infection) so really talk to the vet and see what is needed for your guys. Some vets just want everyone to get the same thing and make it easier on themselves, find one that really listens to you and asks questions about lifestyle, feeding habits, indoor/outdoor etc so they know what is needed for your guys. I don't know where you are located (charles, st marys, calvert) but I used to work at St. Marys Vet and would so highly recommend them. Dr. Forrest owns the practice, and there are 5 other vets with him. My animals would still be seen there but its a bit of a hike from Va where I just moved! Good luck and feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

I totally agree with her. I have not worked with them, but they have been my vets for 15 yrs. or more. They are the best and are well worth the money you pay to see them! I would take my animals nowhere else but there! :yay:


New Member
Thanks for all your input! I was told about the FIV by my vet and they explained what you said so we did not get that vaccine. I am also hesitant as one of our cats has been diagnosed with kidney stones and has had 2 hospitalizations within the past year and a half. The first time he was not diagnosed. His kidneys are filled with stones and surgery was not reccomended. He seems to have a good quality of life other than those episodes where after receiving IV antibiotics and subQ fluid he appears to be "jump started." I feel that even though he is an outdoor/indoor cat am I putting undue stress on his system with the vaccines. I do remember him having a bad few days after the last set in 07. He was up to date until 5/08. We are in charles and go to Tidewater. Thanks for your help in this difficult decision.