Female veteran receives nasty note


Well-Known Member

A female veteran in North Carolina is outraged after she says a nasty note was left on her car when she parked in a space reserved for military members.

Mary Claire Caine, who served in the U.S. Air Force and toured in Kuwait, says she was shocked to approach her car after a shopping trip at a Wilmington Harris Teeter on Friday to see a note written in black Sharpie taped to her windshield, a local NBC affiliate reported.

“Maybe [you] can’t read the sign you parked in front of. This space is reserved for those who fought for America…not you. Thanks, Wounded Vet,” the note said.

Ms. Caine said the first thing she felt was confusion.

“For a split-second I thought, ‘Am I a worthy enough veteran to park in this spot?’ And, then I got very angry at myself for even considering that,” she recalled.

Ms. Caine believes that since she doesn’t fit the stereotype of a rugged soldier, some people may be too quick to jump to conclusions about her.

“I think they took one look at me when I got out of my car and saw that I was a woman and assumed I wasn’t a veteran and assumed I hadn’t served my country,” she told the NBC affiliate. “They have this image of what today’s American veteran is and honestly if you’ve served in the United States military, you know that veterans come in all shapes and sizes. I question whether the person who left the note was fully aware of that.”

Ms. Caine knows it’s unlikely she’ll ever find the note’s author but hopes her experience will teach a lesson to others who are too quick to judge.

“I want them to know they owe me and every other female service member who’s fighting now and who’s fought in the past, an apology for jumping to conclusions,” she told the station. “It’s true what the soldiers missing in action slogan is: ‘All gave some and some gave all.’ And, I think that’s very important that sacrifice is sacrifice and I earned the title as a veteran and I’m proud of that.”

I've been wondering about this lately, ever since eating at Mission BBQ and having them ask me if I was a veteran. The last time I was in, they asked me, and I said yes. Then I said, "let me ask you a question. Do you ever ask women if they are veterans?"

There was some hemming and hawing, and finally the young lady said "I don't know." In other words, no one had told her to ask. I told her I'd ask the owner about it the next time I was in. Trust me, I will do that.


Power with Control
Not quite clear if this space was for wounded veterans or just vets? If the former, which is what the note indicates, then it's not a sexist thing at all.


New Member
Not quite clear if this space was for wounded veterans or just vets? If the former, which is what the note indicates, then it's not a sexist thing at all.

I am a retired female vet. It is ALWAYS a surprise to people who find out. There just aren't that many of us. I can totally see this happening with the presumption that she was taking a veteran's parking place.


Man, I'm still here !!!
A female veteran in North Carolina is outraged after she says a nasty note was left on her car when she parked in a space reserved for military members.

Sounds like confusion on the sign, I'm a veteran also, but would never think to park in a spot for "MILITARY MEMBERS" that's currently servicing person in my mind...

But if she is currently serving, Thank you, and tell that Phucker to STFU unless he's / she is serving also, i was here first !!!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd bet a dollar the note leaver isn't even military let alone wounded vet. I'd bet it's just another busy body that has so little to do that they have found purpose in their life scolding others for perceived infractions. Anonymously.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I'm retired Navy active/reservist. I personally would not park in that spot, reserving it for one currently on active duty. They deserve it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I'm retired Navy active/reservist. I personally would not park in that spot, reserving it for one currently on active duty. They deserve it.

Why not? The sign said "Reserved Veteran Parking".


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Not quite clear if this space was for wounded veterans or just vets? If the former, which is what the note indicates, then it's not a sexist thing at all.

The note did not indicate the parking space was for a wounded veteran, it indicated a wounded veteran wrote the note.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I'm a 22yr vet and I wouldn't park there. Save it for the active guys and gals.:patriot:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Besides those stationed at MOT at Sunny Point, is there a lot of active duty military in Wilmington, NC? I guess it is possible that folks live in Wilmington and drive up to Jacksonville daily.


New Member
That's true. It's been a few years now but Patuxent River clinic and pharmacy used to ask for my husband's social security number when I called for an appointment or checked on a prescription. There is no husband and I am the reason that I am able to receive retired military health benefits. They always say sponsor now to everyone. I like the change and the occasional acknowledgement of Petty Officer at the gate.
. I know what you mean. I'm forever having to explain our dual military retired couple status when using benefits. There are even fewer of those around. It might not be rare around here but I personally only know two more such couples and only one other here at PAX.


RBF expert
. I know what you mean. I'm forever having to explain our dual military retired couple status when using benefits. There are even fewer of those around. It might not be rare around here but I personally only know two more such couples and only one other here at PAX.

My parents are both retired Navy. Both did 20+ years. For the last 10 of my mother's she did do Reserves, which worked out better anyways when we were stationed overseas. Anytime I mention I'm a Navy Brat, someone will ask oh what'd your dad do? Well my mom was in too. I get this wide-eyed look :shocking: Gets even bigger when I tell them mom outranked dad :lol:

Seriously, this whole nosy-busy-body crap is so obnoxious. I would never think twice about a female parking in that spot. I don't get where people think it's there job to police parking lots or their neighbors yards. Same with the "Expecting Mothers" or "Family" parking spots. If someone parks there that doesn't belong to the designated space... :shrug: that person's already a dick. They're not going to change their attitude bc I wrote them a stupid little sticky-note bringing attention to their azzhole-ness.


New Member
My parents are both retired Navy. Both did 20+ years. For the last 10 of my mother's she did do Reserves, which worked out better anyways when we were stationed overseas. Anytime I mention I'm a Navy Brat, someone will ask oh what'd your dad do? Well my mom was in too. I get this wide-eyed look :shocking: Gets even bigger when I tell them mom outranked dad :lol:

Seriously, this whole nosy-busy-body crap is so obnoxious. I would never think twice about a female parking in that spot. I don't get where people think it's there job to police parking lots or their neighbors yards. Same with the "Expecting Mothers" or "Family" parking spots. If someone parks there that doesn't belong to the designated space... :shrug: that person's already a dick. They're not going to change their attitude bc I wrote them a stupid little sticky-note bringing attention to their azzhole-ness.
Silly. Your parents are one of the couples I counted.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm shocked that there are still people who are surprised by a woman in the military. I mean, they've only been serving since 1775. :rolleyes:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Like I said, I'd rather those on active duty use it. I'll walk a bit further.

Fine, but you don't have a problem with her using it, do you? Or would you leave a sh!tty note on her windshield too? (Those aren't necessarily the literal you)

She is one for whom the privilege is designed. I would use it too (if I was ever anywhere where such a sign could be found).