Fertilizer Use Act of 2011


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
It's good to have guidelines about fertilizer use to keep it out of the rivers/bay, but a fine for homeowners of up to $2,000? Heavy handed or just right?

The Fertilizer Use Act of 2011 limits the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in lawn fertilizer products and implements new restrictions on how homeowners and professional applicators may use those products. Beginning in October 2013, homeowners will be required to abide by maximum application rates and be prohibited from applying lawn fertilizer on impervious surfaces, frozen ground or when heavy rain is predicted. Fertilizer will be prohibited for use between November 15 and March 1; within 15 feet of a waterway; or as a de-icer. Violators are subject to penalties of up to $2,000. Those attending the demonstration event will receive more comprehensive information about the changes.




See attached PDF also


  • FertilizerLaw_Facts_final.pdf
    282.6 KB · Views: 163
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