Fever AFTER antibiotic?


New Member
My wife and kids are all sick. Kids are getting better, but wife is not. She started an antibiotic yesterday because of a severe earache, and she also has a bad sore throat as well as very large and sore salivary glands and lymph node, on one side. Prior to yesterday, all of this was going on but no fever. Now,she has had two doses of amoxicillin and has begun running a fever. Is it time to be worried, or has anyone had this/ any suggestions as to why this would happen?


Dream Stealer
Could be a virus (which obv wouldn't be affected by antibiotics) either thats what made her sick originally, or perhaps one got her when her immune system was down from the original sickness. As a rule you should give 24 hours or so on an antibiotic for it to kick in. Also, some people have reactions to certain drugs that cause fever but it is fairly rare and goes away after the drug is stopped.

pretty much if it is below like 100.5 or so, it isnt really a true fever and not much to worry about. anything over that should be seen by a doc. Alernating tylenol and motric helps get a fever down and make the person more comfy. Hope everyone feels better soon.


New Member
Well, the whole viral vs. bacterial thing has been in debate. She went to the dr.,and they said it was viral and to ride it out. But then, the pain in the throat and ears suddenly changed to only being on the right side, one lymph node and the salivary gland got huge, and she was in excruciating pain. She was literally crying and holding one side of her face last night, and her ear pain was now basically encompassing her right side of her face and she was in so much pain she couldn't even talk b/c it hurt to open her mouth. At that point, I said f it, take some amoxicillin I had around for a tooth issue. Figured it wouldn't hurt. She took it twice and things seemed to get better. But now, she has this fever. Sounds like maybe the doc was right, but then again she isn't having nearly the same pain level. And yeah, I know you aren't supposed to share antibiotics but in the heat of the moment it seemed like a good idea. The doc did say to go ahead and continue with it after a call.


Dream Stealer
infections are common after viral illness..could very well be both.

and yes don't share..lol. Mostly because different antibiotics treat different things..though amoxicillin is often first treatment for ear infections.

as for ear pain, this isnt exactly doc sanctioned advice :killingme butttt..try soaking a dish towel in hot water and then putting it in the mocrowave for a few seconds..putting it in a ziplock and then wrap with another thin towel and hold to the ear (some people heat rice in a sock, I think the wet heat feels better). I say it isnt exactly doc sanctioned because it can cause our eardrum to burst..I had a terrible ear infection a while ago and the hot towel is the only thing that would relieve the pain..I was laying on it, I felt a pop and my ear drained and I instantly had ZERO pain..the pressure behind your ear builds up and the moist heat thins the eardrum and can cause it to burst..but it was total relief..I just had the doc look at it and he said it was fine it will heal up no problem. but when youre desperate :shrug:


New Member
Her exact words to me last night as she had tears in her eyes were I am going to shove a pen in my ear in a minute. So yeah, I think she's willing to risk it. Sorry for all the questions, but I've never heard of a viral earache,though. We were kind of surprised when the doc didn't immediately start an antibiotic.