

New Member
Is this a real disease? Have a friend who is constantly in pain and I am wondering about this. I know that I did not spell it right.
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New Member
Has she had ANY test ran? Because constant pain could be a sign of other aliments as well, like Lupus.

5.8 million people have been diagnoses with Fibromyalgia so I would think it is very real or a catch-all diagnoses when the doctors don't know what is wrong. I read something a while back that said Fibromyalgia could be the bodies response to long term depression. Anyway, do a google search, there is tons of information out there.


Lovin' being Texican
Yes, Fibromyalgia, Fibrositis, Rheumatism...

Has she had ANY test ran? Because constant pain could be a sign of other aliments as well, like Lupus.

5.8 million people have been diagnoses with Fibromyalgia so I would think it is very real or a catch-all diagnoses when the doctors don't know what is wrong. I read something a while back that said Fibromyalgia could be the bodies response to long term depression. Anyway, do a google search, there is tons of information out there. a real disease and it causes real pain. As Pandora says, Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis with very specific findings and must be considered after more serious illnesses have been excluded. It may require a visit to a rheumatologist as many general practitioners, family practitioners, and others have limited-to-no understanding of the implications of the various findings.

Take if from Dr. Lenny (a retired rheumatologist), your friend is not a space cadet. Pandora's recollections are correct with one caveat. Long-term pain can lead to clinical or sub-clinical depression in and of itself. Rather than believe that your friend has depression with secondary fibromyalgia, my initial position would be that your friend has a chronic pain syndrome (e.g., fibromyalgia) which is leading to some element of depression.


Is this a real disease? Have a friend who is constantly in pain and I am wondering about this. I know that I did not spell it right.

It's a catch all. Go for Lyme disease testing. There's a lot of that going around that is way underreported and undertreated.


Reiki Practitioner
Is this a real disease? Have a friend who is constantly in pain and I am wondering about this. I know that I did not spell it right.


Fibromyalgia Syndrome, pronounced "fie-bro-my-

al-jia" sind-drom", is a chronic pain condition

which has been around for many years. The

word can be broken down into, "fibro" (con-

nective tissue fibers) "my"(muscle) "al"(pain)

and "gia"(condition of). The American Medical

Association recognized FMS as a major cause of

disability and true illness in 1987. The average

sufferer spends thousands of dollars on medical

tests and spends up to five years searching for

a diagnosis. FMS can have flare-ups and times of

remission, so many sufferers "look fine". But

during a flare-up, they suffer from widespread

musculoskeletal pain or aching, non-restorative

sleep, fatigue, stiffness, skin hypersensitivity,

and multiple tender point pain. In addition, this

syndrome (which means a group of symptoms), can

include headaches, sinus conditions, vertigo, irritable

bowel/bladder and digestive problems, Reynaud's, short-

term memory impairment, vision changes, heart-attack

like pain, muscle twitching, numbness, tingling,

burning sensations, weakness, exercise intolerance,

cold and heat sensitivity, and the list goes on.

There are no blood tests for FMS but a Rheumatologist

can diagnose FMS by looking for 11-18 tender points

located in four quadrants of the body. It has been

called the "Irritable Everything" illness. What can

trigger FMS? It is believed that biochemical changes

can activate FMS caused by trauma, surgery, Lyme

Disease, viral infections, Stage four sleep

Deprivation, childbirth, accidents causing injury,

And many other events as reported by sufferers.

It may be hereditary. FMS can co-exist with other

Conditions such as Chronic Fatigue, MS, Multiple

Chemical Sensitivities, Lupus, Thyroid problems,

Myofascial Pain, Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis,

Hypoglycemia, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, and

Others. To put it simply, FMS can cause pain in

specific areas of the body or from head to toe.

It can affect many different body systems. There

are treatments for FMS from Physical Therapy, mild

exercise, rest medications, vitamins, and alternative

treatments for pain relief. This can include

Chiropractic care, bio-feedback and meditation

techniques. Some people are mildly affected by

this illness while others can be totally disabled.

At times hospitalization is needed to help with

the severe pain and associated depression and

medication side-effects of this chronic (recurrent)

condition. Now that you have an idea of what FMS is,

hopefully you will have a better understanding of

this condition and of the sufferer. This illness

is seen world-wide and does not discriminate by

age, sex or race. How can you help a friend or

relative with FMS? Encourage them, offer help,

listen, educate yourself about the persons new

lifestyle changes, and just lend a shoulder to

lean on. Good jokes help out a lot and "gentle"

hugs and hand-shakes are always appreciated. FMS

sufferers or maybe better called "survivors", are

always hoping for better medical treatments, more

research, and of course, a cure. Just by learning

what the word Fibromyalgia means, is a help to us

all. This actually is a brief description of FMS.

There are many books and On-line information you

can read if you would like to become more informed.

THANK-YOU for hanging in there to read this. Now

One more person knows what Fibromyalgia means.

Pass the word on... (c) Candy Morris

Candy Morris' Fibromyalgia T-Shirts


Absolute real disease.
I watched my wife being talked into believing she had mental problems by a doctor on the first floor of Georgetown Hospital right after we had been to a Fibromyalgia SPECIALIST two floors above. I could go on and on with stories of missdiagnosis and useless medicines.
Very difficult to convince anybody you have something wrong when the Docs have no idea as to what is going on. That's why it's a syndrome: No medically known cause and no cures.
My sympathies, I thought they had it figured out. Tell your friend not to waste their time with anyone unless they know the disease.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08 a real disease and it causes real pain. As Pandora says, Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis with very specific findings and must be considered after more serious illnesses have been excluded. It may require a visit to a rheumatologist as many general practitioners, family practitioners, and others have limited-to-no understanding of the implications of the various findings.

Take if from Dr. Lenny (a retired rheumatologist), your friend is not a space cadet. Pandora's recollections are correct with one caveat. Long-term pain can lead to clinical or sub-clinical depression in and of itself. Rather than believe that your friend has depression with secondary fibromyalgia, my initial position would be that your friend has a chronic pain syndrome (e.g., fibromyalgia) which is leading to some element of depression.

:yeahthat: Long term pain is very depressing. She probably just wants it to be over. Watch her carefully. My depression meds don't work.


Active Member
If my doctor dared to tell me I have 'fibromyalgia' I would HIT him. I know of 4 people close to me who say they have this mysterious condition. One recently found out that after 20 years of being told it was fibro', now finds out it was REALLY Lyme disease. So now she feels like a fool, not to mention has to take strong antibiotics for 2 yrs.


If my doctor dared to tell me I have 'fibromyalgia' I would HIT him. I know of 4 people close to me who say they have this mysterious condition. One recently found out that after 20 years of being told it was fibro', now finds out it was REALLY Lyme disease. So now she feels like a fool, not to mention has to take strong antibiotics for 2 yrs.

My wife went through that as well. That's why I mentioned it in my post. Lyme is not well understood and many doctors don't want to deal with it. I'm not saying you should automatically assume it is Lyme disease but push for the right tests (the ones not covered by most insurance). I think it's called a western bloc or something like that. Just rule it out before going through years of agony.

My wife has been very sick for at least six months due to Lyme disease and has had many trips to the hospital, mostly because it was undertreated when they first found it.

Look up Dr Cafferty in St. Mary's COunty. I understand he is too busy for new patients but he is a lyme doctor. Also, Dr. Daniel Jaller over in Montgomery County. There are a few others but as I've said before, most doctors don't know what to do with lyme disease and chose to call it something else and try to treat the symptoms.
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New Member
There is a Dr. Leon in Waldorf that specializes in this. If you friend wants/needs a second opinion I recommend him.


New Member
Lyme Disease, Pain & Neuro Probs

Just wanted to add that I've had a number of neurological ailments in the past (6) years.
With each new ailment "chapter", my neuro. doctors all tested to rule out Lyme Disease first. Why? Because Lyme (1.) is very insidious with a host of symtoms that mimic other diseases, and (2.) The Lyme test is simple and inexpensive (do those tests first). However, this test has had reliability issues--False Neg/Positives; many people have a different mix of symptoms.

From what I've learned Lyme can make some folks very sick while others, not so bad; over a protracted period of time in each scenario. It's pretty nasty.


New Member
Take if from Dr. Lenny (a retired rheumatologist), your friend is not a space cadet. Pandora's recollections are correct with one caveat. Long-term pain can lead to clinical or sub-clinical depression in and of itself. Rather than believe that your friend has depression with secondary fibromyalgia, my initial position would be that your friend has a chronic pain syndrome (e.g., fibromyalgia) which is leading to some element of depression.

Depression Commonly Mistaken for Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

That is the article I read. A powerful book I read a few years back discussed the subject of emotions and the way it can cause physical ailments, titled "Deadly Emotions" by Doctor Don Colbert. It is written with the concept that nearly 90% of all diseases are self-induced. I tend to believe that there is some binding tie, yet the medical profession doesn't seem to recognize this possibility. It would be nice if they would not only treat the chronic pain issues but also collaboration treatment with mental health treatment.

If you haven't read the book, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts if you decide to read it. Customer Reviews: Deadly Emotions: Understand the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection That Can Heal or Destroy You

Either way, seeing a doctor, getting tested is a MUST. I wouldn't accept Chronic Pain Disorder or Fibromyalgia diagnoses unless they searched every other possibility.


Get some!
It's a catch all. Go for Lyme disease testing. There's a lot of that going around that is way underreported and undertreated.
I am sorry but this is unbelievable. Fibromyalgia is not a made up or catch all disease and anyone diagnosed with it would agree. There is a way to diagnose the condition and it is being understood more today than ever before. Lyme disease is not fibromyalgia nor does it cause fibromylagia. I am not sure where some of you heard this but I am a medical professional and I happen to know a lot about the disease since I wrote a paper on the subject. Those diagnosed battle the thinking that the disease is just a term for pain and are trying hard to get over that. Please do not come on here and pretend to know what it is about or spout stuff off the internet. It is very, very real for those that have it. Sorry but this is a sore subject for me. (no pun intended)


Free to Fly
My wife went through that as well. That's why I mentioned it in my post. Lyme is not well understood and many doctors don't want to deal with it. I'm not saying you should automatically assume it is Lyme disease but push for the right tests (the ones not covered by most insurance). I think it's called a western bloc or something like that. Just rule it out before going through years of agony.

My wife has been very sick for at least six months due to Lyme disease and has had many trips to the hospital, mostly because it was undertreated when they first found it.

Look up Dr Cafferty in St. Mary's COunty. I understand he is too busy for new patients but he is a lyme doctor. Also, Dr. Daniel Jaller over in Montgomery County. There are a few others but as I've said before, most doctors don't know what to do with lyme disease and chose to call it something else and try to treat the symptoms.

Dr. Cafferty accepted me as a new patient. I go next week. I already have a diagnosis so I don't know if that makes a difference or not.


I am sorry but this is unbelievable. Fibromyalgia is not a made up or catch all disease and anyone diagnosed with it would agree. There is a way to diagnose the condition and it is being understood more today than ever before. Lyme disease is not fibromyalgia nor does it cause fibromylagia. I am not sure where some of you heard this but I am a medical professional and I happen to know a lot about the disease since I wrote a paper on the subject. Those diagnosed battle the thinking that the disease is just a term for pain and are trying hard to get over that. Please do not come on here and pretend to know what it is about or spout stuff off the internet. It is very, very real for those that have it. Sorry but this is a sore subject for me. (no pun intended)

Well, it's a sore subject for me too. One of your medical professional people told my wife she had Fibromyalgia when, in fact, she didn't. I appreciate doctors and all of their hard work. They have my utmost respect but I know from experience that that they don't always know what they are talking about. This same doctor told my wife that she didn't have lyme disease, gave her some medication to make her happy and sent her home.

Do you know how many times people have told us to keep going back to the doctor, over and over and keep insisting until the doctor takes you seriously?

So, maybe I shouldn't have referred to it as a "catch all disease." Cosidering my wife was diagnosed with it and she had something else, that's the way I see it. Perhaps the books YOU read said something else.


Get some!
Well, it's a sore subject for me too. One of your medical professional people told my wife she had Fibromyalgia when, in fact, she didn't. I appreciate doctors and all of their hard work. They have my utmost respect but I know from experience that that they don't always know what they are talking about. This same doctor told my wife that she didn't have lyme disease, gave her some medication to make her happy and sent her home.

Do you know how many times people have told us to keep going back to the doctor, over and over and keep insisting until the doctor takes you seriously?

So, maybe I shouldn't have referred to it as a "catch all disease." Cosidering my wife was diagnosed with it and she had something else, that's the way I see it. Perhaps the books YOU read said something else.
Well I personally do not go to doctors around here. There is a specific test to determine the disease. There are plenty of docs who havent a clue but I wasnt talking about doctors. What I am talking about is the people who think the disease is made up and all in someones mind. I am not talking about you or your wife. I am talking about those who get on the internet and think they know it all and then spout it out. I am talking about those that suffer with it and have been told they are just depressed or tired. Was not referring to your situation at all. There are doctors out there who are not worth the paper their degrees are written on believe me I know that. I interviewed over 76 people with the disease. Its tough. Hopefully your wife will get whatever treatment she needs. And yes if one doctor does not satisfy you go to another, and another until you find one that gets it right. Its sad but its true. This is how our healthcare has become.


Is this a real disease? Have a friend who is constantly in pain and I am wondering about this. I know that I did not spell it right.

Both my wife and mother suffer .... my wife has it worse since she is over weight.


Absolute real disease.
I watched my wife being talked into believing she had mental problems by a doctor on the first floor of Georgetown Hospital right after we had been to a Fibromyalgia SPECIALIST two floors above.

My wife was told for yrs ...

we cannot find anything with tests it must be in your head ...