File: "All Religions are equal" oh?


Well-Known Member
Quote from article in WorldNet daily 11/18

Honor murders of women:

"Unfortunately," he says, "thousands of women have been killed in the name of honor because imagination and rumors are as important as actions and events."

When a girl's chastity is in question, he says, her family feels the shame, even if she is raped or the rumors prove unsubstantiated.

"A woman shamed is like rotting flesh," a Palestinian merchant told Emery. "If it is not cut away, it will consume the body. What I mean is the whole family will be tainted if she is not killed."

Emery says the reasons for honor killings include allegations of premarital or extramarital sex, for refusing an arranged marriage or attempting to obtain a divorce, or simply for talking with a man. The murders normally are carried out by fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, cousins or sons. "

Christianity: Directly from Christ: "Woman, where are your accusers?....Go and sin no more"

Where is the international outrage? where is Palestinian Cheer leader Hillary?...Oh but have some Christian spank their kid and they're facing 5 years in medium security.

The article above was inspired from a Mother who murdered her daughter with a plastic bag, a razor, and a club..for what?
Her sons raped/impregnated their sister...Muhammed would be proud of their courage to return honor to their name.


Not dead yet.
Dear God this world needs your spirit of loving forgiveness. Come and fill the void in their souls. Amen.



New Member
equal religions

I agree they are all equal, as in, they should all equally be done away with......... if your news article is suggestive as to the delporate nature of the islamic faith, then, the same logic and reasoning can be applied to your christian faith........ the woman that killed her children in the bath tub? faith related.... remember Jim Jones, and the purple Kool Aide?.... and, every year there is a family that lets their child die because they think that prayer and faith will help them instead of medical care, with diabetes being the most often cause, these all make the news, in fact, the three 'Jims' as I like to refer to them, speak ill of the christian faith: Jim Jones, Jim Baker, And Jim Swaggart, all three christian leaders with large christian followings, guilty, if you believe news articles as you posted, of crimes, if not ethical and immoral behavior, if you say, 'well those weren't really christians'........well, again, the same logic and reasoning can be applied as an excuse for your article against the islamic faith. I'm not taking sides as to either religion, nor attacking any one's faith, merely giving a neuteral opinion....:cheers:


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: equal religions

Originally posted by TripleJ
I'm not taking sides as to either religion, nor attacking any one's faith, merely giving a neuteral opinion....:cheers:

Here's another neutral opinion--almost all of the criticism I read about Islam as a religion comes from Christians. How can a believer from one religion truly have an unbiased view of another religion? Even if the believer's religion is a non-proselytizing one, it's still "We're right and everyone else is wrong" when it comes to certain aspects of morality and the nature of existence beyond this life.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by TripleJ
the woman that killed her children in the bath tub? faith related.... remember Jim Jones, and the purple Kool Aide?....
I hate to ruin your religious rant, but show me a news article that said religion had anything to do with Andrea Yates killing her kids? And Jim Jones wasn't espousing Christianity - he set himself up to be the diety, not God or Jesus.

Please show me somewhere that says a good Christian is supposed to kill or maim anyone.


New Member
O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the rocks.


b*tch rocket
Re: equal religions

Originally posted by TripleJ
I agree they are all equal, as in, they should all equally be done away with.........

The logic you use to support your rationale for doing away with all religion could be used to support doing away with the human race in general and would be much more "unbiased". :duh:


Well-Known Member
As the Reformation matured and splinters grew from Luther, Hus, Tyndale and did the tolerance--ESPECIALLY in America where Reformed churches, Mennonites, Dunkers, Quakers, Congregationalists etc were willing to "live & Let live" actually ushered in an age of tolerance that this generation is the product of. Thus...if atheism of TripleJ or the agnosticism of Tonio does not raise a storm of vengeance seeking fanatics determined to stomp out heresy...they can hold those opinions and because of our Judeo-Christian heritage....they will be left alone or ignored. Thank God for those freedoms huh guys?

This is not possible in the Moslem world--espousing those views would incite a mob. (and naturally you would be abused/driven out & killed)...and of course allah would be pleased at the death of the infidel.

Vrai hit a homerun with her rebuttal...Jim Jones took his cultic followed off the deep end.

Bakker & Swaggart got their punishment: ruined families, bankruptcy, divorce, and followers gone....isn't it obvious that God Judged them before men? Are we to keep piling on after 20 years?

We can only hope that mainline teaching of Islam that has fired up these murders....the abuse...the hatred of Jews and Westerners alike, the enslavement of thousands of Sudanese will evenually burn itself out.
If you desire the end of religion...and your dream comes true, you will provoke a firestorm of chaos & disorder...all of humanity will scream ME FIRST!, altruism, selflessness, benevolence will vanish...I'm sure you would love to live in Soviet Russia of the 1950's-there is your religion-free Utopia,...please enjoy it with my best wishes.


Asperger's Poster Child
if atheism of TripleJ or the agnosticism of Tonio does not raise a storm of vengeance seeking fanatics determined to stomp out heresy

I don't consider myself an agnostic. I believe in God and I attended a Unitarian church for a while. (As an aside, I don't believe that the Bible can be interpreted literally, but then neither do most Christian denominations.)

Almost every religion in the world claims to be the "one true faith." How does a person sift through a mountain of claims like that? And why do we as humans even have such as concept as "heresy"? That's not much different from the different notions of political correctness being peddled by liberals on one hand and conservatives on the other.

I agree they are all equal, as in, they should all equally be done away with.........

Oh, come on, TripleJ! Sure, there have been unspeakable atrocities committed in the name of religion. But that doesn't mean that all religion is bad, as you suggest. Every creed in world history has been twisted by brutal egomaniacs seeking to justify their actions. What about the good works done by committed people of faith, like Mother Teresa? Visit any church-run food pantry and soup kitchen in Southern Maryland and you'll find believers giving their time to help others.


Well-Known Member
Only 13?

Gee...what a weak response...a Christian student mutters something unkind regarding Muhammed and 13 churches...shops& homes go up in flames. Is Islam going wimpy? where are the mass beheadings? we go:
I am going to take my Birkenstock sandal and put it on my paperback, English version of the Koran...and leave it there!

Bring it on Towelheads! Come & get me!