Let us put down our disinterment picks and shovels for the nonce, and remember that the requirements for being buried in a military cemetary, with honors, is the fulfillment of honorable military service - not what you do before or after you serve.
Who the fluck is Mikulski to decide what pre or post-service behavior trumps the fulfillment of honorable military service? Should robbing a bank ban you? How about excessive speeding tickets? How about all this crap doesn't matter a hill of beans provided you served your country honorably. I mean not to put too fine a point on it, but one of the primary purposes of the military is to commit murder (defined as "to kill brutally or inhumanly") at the bequest of the government.
And I don't remember Mikulski saying anything about Presidents who are impeached don't deserve a federally-funded library.

I would like to see Mikulski dumped in the Potomic after she passes.