Finally Babs does something right


New Member
I saw!

A thread on this the other day! Dig him up and throw that casket in the Potomac! The cemetary is already hurting for room for those that deserve it!
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
A senator that doesn't know what is contained in the laws she helps develop. Oh the irony.


Let us put down our disinterment picks and shovels for the nonce, and remember that the requirements for being buried in a military cemetary, with honors, is the fulfillment of honorable military service - not what you do before or after you serve.

Who the fluck is Mikulski to decide what pre or post-service behavior trumps the fulfillment of honorable military service? Should robbing a bank ban you? How about excessive speeding tickets? How about all this crap doesn't matter a hill of beans provided you served your country honorably. I mean not to put too fine a point on it, but one of the primary purposes of the military is to commit murder (defined as "to kill brutally or inhumanly") at the bequest of the government.

And I don't remember Mikulski saying anything about Presidents who are impeached don't deserve a federally-funded library. :whistle: I would like to see Mikulski dumped in the Potomic after she passes.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The law is on the books but once planted it's a done deal. The way I read the law is that if a person commits a capital Federal or State crime for which the death penalty or a life sentence without possibility of parole may be imposed then they can be barred from burial in a National Cemetary. See 38USC2411


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I mean not to put too fine a point on it, but one of the primary purposes of the military is to commit murder (defined as "to kill brutally or inhumanly") at the bequest of the government.
Do you not see the difference between killing enemy combatants in a war and stabbing two old people to death just because you felt like it?
When he killed the two elderly people, I can't see that it was to protect his own life, when in war you kill only to protect your life and the lives of your comrads.