Aww.. Last year daughter had to have her writing PERFECT. She would write, erase, write, erase... eventually she would end up with holes in her paper and she would be in tears. This year she is not so picky thankfully!
She just finished her patterns and now I have her writing her words in a sentence. Last year my son was a 1st grader so I know what they did last year and what worked. This year he is in 2nd so I know what to expect for Daughter next year.
Thursdays homework is pathetic
They did that in PreK. I guess I am just worried my daughter won't be challenged enough. Of my 3 kids she is the one who picks things up very quickly. School is a breeze for her and last year she got in trouble all the time for talking to much. She was finishing up and then running her mouth
She moved her spoon more in one day then my other 2 did in a month combined.