

They call me ... Sarcasmo
Carlos Rogers actually makes an interception.(But not without some drama.) The pass he broke up on 4th down in the 4th was great, but I don't think he realized that the last chance for the Saints, he wanted the offensive pass interference call.

Where has this defense been all year?



Nothing to see here
kom526 said:
Carlos Rogers actually makes an interception.(But not without some drama.) The pass he broke up on 4th down in the 4th was great, but I don't think he realized that the last chance for the Saints, he wanted the offensive pass interference call.

Where has this defense been all year?


Rogers would been benched if he had dropped that int..:lol: Just saw it a little bit ago(listened to game on the radio)..Should they have gift wrapped it?? D-line played well today, makes all the difference in the world for the LB and D-backs.


Set Trippin
I think we finally have a quarterback... I am looking forward to next year with Campbell...

Providing we dont pay Farve 60 million to come aboard next year....


Nothing to see here
While I am rooting for the Chargers tonight, the Chiefs got hosed bigtime by the officials on that blocked punt.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm waiting for the arrest of the 2 NO OL (G & T) that absolutely mugged Andre Carter. The Ref was looking right at it :doh: that was an easy safety in the making. :hometeamnocall:

Did I mention that the "Skins won? :yay:

Just let me enjoy it now...


I was happy with the win... I think we still need something on offense... Betts is playing very good.. Our D has stepped it up that is for sure !!


No Longer the Kid
I'm glad the Skins won.. but they cost me 1st place in fantasy, I had high expectations for Bree's and McCallister today :banghead:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Looking over the charred remains...

kom526 said:
Carlos Rogers actually makes an interception.(But not without some drama.) The pass he broke up on 4th down in the 4th was great, but I don't think he realized that the last chance for the Saints, he wanted the offensive pass interference call.

Where has this defense been all year?


...of our season of discontent, with a play or two per game going our way, we could be 9-5 right now with losses to Dallas week 2, the Giants, Colts, Eagles I and the Falcons. We needed 4 points against Minny, 4 against the Titans, 4 v. TB and 3 v. the Eagles II. Call it 8-6 if we give back the miracle against Dallas II.

Now, this is not to say we are somehow this close to actually being a true contender because we did get thoroughly beat 5 times. So, what to expect for next year?

1. Jason Campbell. He simply opens up the field more than Mark, a good bit more. Teams packed it in against us when Mark was playing because he not only threw a lot of short passes but didn't make teams feel threatened deep. That means more defenders closer to the line of scrimmage which means harder to run and more pressure on the qb.

The book on defending young qb's is crowd them, shut down the run and make them throw. Well, Jason has passed that test and makes defenses worry about getting back. He will throw it deep and his check down passes are going to receivers 10-20 yards deep, crossing the field, not dump off screens.

The result is a better running game as opponents have to spread out and defend more of the field. Gibbs can say all he wants that they suddenly rediscovered running football and, to some extent, I guess we'll just accept that at face value. Yeah, and Ladell Betts suddenly learned how to run the ball. I look for Portis to be traded. How about, oh, for a corner?

While it's not reasonable to expect a Superbowl next year, we're a better offensive team with Campbell, period. Sickening to think of where we'd be now had Jason started the season.

2. The defense. The off season player moves that turned out bad, real bad, are self evident. Injuries exacerbated the problems. Right now, it is anyones guess as to what happens in the off season and how that pans out both in talent and chemistry, but, the good news is that there is more room to go up than down. Rogers deserves credit for being there every down. He's tough and hits hard and being in position to drop 6-7 pics is still a good thing. Anyone remember how Walt Harris went from gas can to fire extinguisher over a three year period?

3. Special teams. They have gotten little mention, but, other than field goal kicker revolving door, coverage has been great and Frost has made himself a solid punter. True bright spot here.

4. Coaching. Who knows? Some kid talks to the qb's. Al runs the offense, along with umpteen other big names. Joe just kinda stands there and looks stern. We're still chaotic in terms of clock management and discipline penalties. I think it was asinine, in a lost season, to kick a field goal in the first quarter yesterday on 4th and, what, 2. That is one area where the 'Old Joe' is in evidence; very conservative as to going for it on 4th down.

All in all, it's hard to have the biggest payroll in the NFL and only win 5 games. We, along with the Lions, Bucs and Cards are the only teams in the NFC out of it as of now. It's easy to make an argument that happy days are ahead of us but it is also easy to see how this more is more, committee and bureaucracy based approach to the intensely personal world of football coaching will always find ways to cost us a play or two a game.

And, as I started out, that, a play or two a game, is the difference between being 5-9 and 9-5.


I couldn 't agree more Larry. Anyone can say "Next year" . Well this should have been our year. After coming off a 10-6 playoff run where we won six in a row before losing to the eventual super bowl reps from the NFC. This was supposed to be the return of Redskins dominance. No, Ol' DANNY BOY couldnt leave it be. So he decides to bring in some overpriced baggage and we are the biggest disappointment in the NFL. O yeah and we stuck with Mark B. way too long, but that is how Gibbs has always been with QB's.

Morale of the story; Even If we do look good in these last 3-4 games (eagles & saints included) dont count on the team building on this or hell even looking the same next year.


Steinbrenner disease. I love seeing Stienbrenner spend more money than anyone and still lose. Danny's head must be spinning.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Buckets said:
I couldn 't agree more Larry. Anyone can say "Next year" . Well this should have been our year. After coming off a 10-6 playoff run where we won six in a row before losing to the eventual super bowl reps from the NFC. This was supposed to be the return of Redskins dominance. No, Ol' DANNY BOY couldnt leave it be. So he decides to bring in some overpriced baggage and we are the biggest disappointment in the NFL. O yeah and we stuck with Mark B. way too long, but that is how Gibbs has always been with QB's.

Morale of the story; Even If we do look good in these last 3-4 games (eagles & saints included) dont count on the team building on this or hell even looking the same next year.
You can save the "Ol' Danny Boy and his bottomless checkbook" for The fact here remains that this team has no GM. If Joe Gibbs wants a player he tells Danny and the next thing you know great big bags of money start to fall out of the sky. There needs to be a buffer between the head coach and the front office, and that buffer cannot be afraid to say "NO" to the HOF Coach. The biggest problem I see with the FO is dual role of Gibbs, coach and President. I can't recall a coach that was successful in both roles at the same time. Holmgren willingly gave up GM @ Seattle, the next thing you know SEA are contenders every year. Parcells may have had the best luck @ it while on the NYJ staff.

On another tact; after the game yesterday I was listening to the post game and Andre Carter said that GW just "let us go". I do understand the need for discipline in all aspects of life but why wait until this late in the season to "release the hounds"? If this go get them approach returns next season then I see a return to being one of the top 10 defenses in the league. I think Carlos Rogers should go to Miami w/ Santana and Jason to REALLY work on how to be a good DB that can catch the ball. Rumor has it that the WRs and Jason are going to do some offseason stuff together down in Miami. If this does happen could the "Greatest show on turf" find a home in Landover?

Our nemesis the salary cap will rear its head in the off season (as usual) and there will have to be a purge UNLESS there is a lot of restructuring during the offseason. I am not even going to pretend I know how this is going to work out. Unfortunately there are a few guys that need to go that will count hard against the cap number. (Just repeating what I've read in the post) It seems that a number of players signed in the 1st year of Gibbs II are getting ready to pick up the BIG parts of their contracts.

It has been a season of lost opportunities and missed chances (FGs especially) but I think this has been more of a abberation as oppose to a sign of things to come. Remember, hope springs eternal every Sunday.
Last edited:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

kom526 said:
The fact here remains that this team has no GM. If Joe Gibbs wants a player he tells Danny and the next thing you know great big bags of money start to fall out of the sky. There needs to be a buffer between the head coach and the front office, and that buffer cannot be afraid to say "NO" to the HOF Coach. The biggest problem I see with the FO is dual role of Gibbs, coach and President. I can't recall a coach that was successful in both roles at the same time. Holmgren willingly gave up GM @ Seattle, the next thing you know SEA are contenders every year. Parcells may have had the best luck @ it while on the NYJ staff.

...and Gibbs true goal is, obviously, to be the THE guy who reinvents the wheel; a corporate structure for coaching and personell with a CEO in charge of both, and make it work.

Some how.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Amazing ain't it...

kom526 said:
but why wait until this late in the season to "release the hounds"? If this go get them approach returns next season then I see a return to being one of the top 10 defenses in the league. I think Carlos Rogers should go to Miami w/ Santana and Jason to REALLY work on how to be a good DB that can catch the ball. Rumor has it that the WRs and Jason are going to do some offseason stuff together down in Miami. If this does happen could the "Greatest show on turf" find a home in Landover? a HOF coach can, suddenly, find 'Redskin' football and 'Redskin' principles, as though running and defending it is some dark, lost art?

For off season, if Jason does nothing, we're better. He's hitting full speed crossing routes, especially Cooley, in stride, now. That ball to Moss was like Brunells two to him at Dallas last year; a thing of beauty.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Fear not...

kom526 said:
Our nemesis the salary cap will rear its head in the off season (as usual) and there will have to be a purge UNLESS there is a lot of restructuring during the offseason. I am not even going to pretend I know how this is going to work out. Unfortunately there are a few guys that need to go that will count hard against the cap number. (Just repeating what I've read in the post) It seems that a number of players signed in the 1st year of Gibbs II are getting ready to pick up the BIG parts of their contracts.

...this is Danny World; restructurings, conversions to signing bonus, money is never an issue around here.


New Member
chess said:
I was happy with the win... I think we still need something on offense... Betts is playing very good.. Our D has stepped it up that is for sure !!

Would be nice if Defense would have shown up a few games earlier


I know nothing
kom526 said:
It has been a season of lost opportunities and missed chances (FGs especially)
what??? Thats all the skins had as of late. The kicker has been kicking at least 3-3pointers each game. The kicker is the only consistant player on the team.

The offense gets all the way down to the red Zone and cant score.... I dont care how many "things of beauty" a QB throws. If they cant complete a drive, they will continue to suffer.

A 16-10 win over the Saints (although a win) is nothing to Brag or get your hopes up about. 1 touchdown and 3 extra points., could have been 4 touchdowns...... the Skins defense is what kept them from loosing Yesterday.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The Redskins have had 3 kickers this year, Hall, Novak, and now Suisham. There is not a whole lot of consistency there yet. Suisham is 7 of 8 in 3 games, and is the best we have had in 2 far. In a couple of games this year a missed field goal has killed this team.

Getting down to the red zone and not scoring TDs=lost opportunities. I never said anything about "thing of beauty throws" and you are right they do need to complete a drive.

Yeah, they should have scored more TDs, yesterday and all season. But a win is a win be it 42-0 or 10-9.