Financial Blacklisting


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Financial Blacklisting: Activists Pressure MasterCard Stockholders to Censor “Far Right”

Left-wing activists, who call themselves ThisIsUs and are linked to Color of Change, forced MasterCard to hold a shareholder vote on creating a ‘human rights committee’ to “stop designated white supremacist groups and anti-Islam activists, such as Tommy Robinson, from getting access to money sent from donors using the company’s card payment services. The Board of MasterCard has opposed the proposal, stating that consumers should be able to make all lawful purchases, and urged stockholders to vote against it.

Mastercard faces shareholder vote that could force it to ban payments to far right groups

“What Mastercard is doing, without them realizing it, is they’re legitimizing these right-wing extremist and white supremacists by having that there. They’re a reputable brand, ” SumOfUs Communications Director Jamila Brown told Yahoo Finance’s YFi PM.

SumOfUs hopes to achieve the same success as the pressure campaign that lead PayPal to ban payments to far-right extremists starting back in 2017.

Mastercard’s annual shareholder meeting on June 25 will become the next battleground in that fight. SumOfUs has won the ability to hold a shareholder vote that, if approved, would establish a “human rights committee” within Mastercard. The committee would be tasked with monitoring and stopping payments to far-right leaders and organizations around the world.

SPLC Push Credit Card Corps. To Nix Conservative Groups

The cultural totalitarians on the far left are at it again. Recently, the Freedom Center announced that Visa and Mastercard blocked its donations after the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) labeled the organization a hate group.

The nation has already seen the left’s efforts to censor conservative speech online, but it appears that leftists are also using their influence to cut off funding to activist groups who oppose their ideas. This story makes one thing clear: The left is willing to go to any lengths to destroy those who disagree with them.

will you one day find yourself unable to make purchases because your 'social credit score' is not high enough and you do not qualify for Facebook's Libre Currency that is used everywhere online?