Finding a dr that takes Healthshare


New Member
I am having a difficult time finding a dr that accepts Healthshare. SS said they do not have a list of dr's that accept it. I was hoping that someone here might know of one that is not a SHAH doctor. I wish to see someone that doesn't make me feel that I am on a conveyor belt. I will continue to call around myself but the dr has to be in St Mary's county. Thanks for any help you can give me. I have applied for Medical Assistance and should hear from them soon.


New Member
I think Dr Jamie Boyd accepts Healthshare. Their phone number is 301-997-0055. He is located in the new building by St Mary's Hospital.


New Member
I think Dr Jamie Boyd accepts Healthshare. Their phone number is 301-997-0055. He is located in the new building by St Mary's Hospital.

thanks. tried them but it is a no go for them. Every dr I talked to did not have any idea of any dr treating healthshare patients.
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Salt Life
Is there a general number for HealthSHARE you can call? If so, call and try getting the numbers of a few participating doctors.


New Member
Is there a general number for HealthSHARE you can call? If so, call and try getting the numbers of a few participating doctors.

The general number for Healthshare is the Social Services number and they are no help. I did get through to a clinic in Leonardtown but they aren't seeing patients until the end of June. I should have my Medical Assistance and PAC by then along with Social Security Disability. I have put off going on disability for over 2 years (severe cervical and lumbar degenerative disc disease and a failed fusion L5S1) but my neurologist said if I am not going to have the surgery to fix my neck, (all cervical discs are ruptured), I needed to stop working or risk making it worse. They want to fuse everything and then put metal rods in to stabilize everything. I'll be 52 on the 7th and don't really want to go through surgery.

I was just trying to find a regular MD to get help to stop smoking since I try to cough up a lung once a day. I really wanted to try the Chantix. Heard it works great. Just started using the patch again today and I am going nuts!!!!!


In My Opinion
The general number for Healthshare is the Social Services number and they are no help. I did get through to a clinic in Leonardtown but they aren't seeing patients until the end of June. I should have my Medical Assistance and PAC by then along with Social Security Disability. I have put off going on disability for over 2 years (severe cervical and lumbar degenerative disc disease and a failed fusion L5S1) but my neurologist said if I am not going to have the surgery to fix my neck, (all cervical discs are ruptured), I needed to stop working or risk making it worse. They want to fuse everything and then put metal rods in to stabilize everything. I'll be 52 on the 7th and don't really want to go through surgery.

I was just trying to find a regular MD to get help to stop smoking since I try to cough up a lung once a day. I really wanted to try the Chantix. Heard it works great. Just started using the patch again today and I am going nuts!!!!!
I feel for you. Ive had two spinal surgeries now. Not fun anyway you look at it.
And Chantix works great.


New Member
I feel for you. Ive had two spinal surgeries now. Not fun anyway you look at it.
And Chantix works great.

The surgery I had on my lower back was back in 1982. It failed about 2 years ago. It was an experimental surgery where they went through the abdomen. Most dr's I have seen were amazed the fusion lasted as long as it did. I don't believe they do this surgery called Anterior Laminectomy with fusion anymore because they have to move all your insides to the outside to get to the spine. Recovery was 1 year long with 6 months in a body cast.

My biggest fear for the neck surgery is that I won't be able to turn my head much if at all and I guess that means I will have to give up driving and depend upon others to take me here or there.

Thanks for all of the responses. I love this "new" forum.


New Member
Call the Health Department, not Social Services. When I needed a list of pediatricians and ob/gyns who take Healthshare they emailed one to me


I wanna be a SMIB
My back doctor here in sunny ohio is great. He knows I have no ins and no money and I still get great service. They seem to care more about the patient first.


Going back to the stars
Here is a response that was provided last year in a forum where someone had asked a similar question:

" try using the following search tool:

2-1-1 Maryland - HELP HAPPENS HERE

Search on "Health Care" in Maryland and St. Mary's County

A good document to have can be found here: August2008Final.pdf

You need the Adobe Reader for that one.

And you should take the time and search the St. Mary's County government web page:

St. Mary's County Government Website

Put your mouse cursor over the "Government tab and select the "Contact Directory" list. It is sorta up to date and can help you with other agencies too. "

Hopefully one of the links can lead you in the right direction :smile:


Well-Known Member
Have you found a doctor? Seems I am a month late in responding to you, but I believe Dr. Moon in Hollywood still takes Healthshare or accepts new patients with Healthshare.