Finding a good gym/trainer


Dream Stealer
I am looking for suggestions for a gym in St. Mary's....I am looking for an in between sort of gym..I dont wanna feel stupid around all the muscles on your muscles people...but I also dont wanna be at curves...if you know what I mean... Just a chill gym maybe some younger people...I tried profitness in wildewood for awhile..I wasnt really impressed...the classes offered were always during the day when I work...and I kept getting hit on by creepy guys that grunted while trying to lift "impressive" weights.. Price is an issue too..I don't wanna spend a bundle..I would also like to see a trainer for a little bit...anyone recommend a good affordable one? Like a new one who wants someone to practice on? LOL. Any comments on the local gyms would be appreciated.....

Also..anyone know of a boxing gym around? I always wanted to try that.


Maximum. They have lots of classes in the eve "".


Back in the saddle

If you are looking at getting a trainer, give Scottie a shot.

100% go with Scottie !

Love love Scottie, have trained with her before. Only one prob, not sure if she still does this, but sometimes her attention can drift off to other people while she is doing a session with someone. That I don't care for too much, I want my trainers attention on me 100%.


Dream Stealer
hmm would scottie happen to be a hot blonde? cuz i saw one training someone outside of maximum the other day... that would be good motivation :)


New Member
I am looking for suggestions for a gym in St. Mary's....I am looking for an in between sort of gym..I dont wanna feel stupid around all the muscles on your muscles people...but I also dont wanna be at curves...if you know what I mean... Just a chill gym maybe some younger people...I tried profitness in wildewood for awhile..I wasnt really impressed...the classes offered were always during the day when I work...and I kept getting hit on by creepy guys that grunted while trying to lift "impressive" weights.. Price is an issue too..I don't wanna spend a bundle..I would also like to see a trainer for a little bit...anyone recommend a good affordable one? Like a new one who wants someone to practice on? LOL. Any comments on the local gyms would be appreciated.....

Also..anyone know of a boxing gym around? I always wanted to try that.



Dream Stealer

I actually have p90x! I did it for awhile and I stilll like to do the dvds sometimes..but I tried with the bands and it just doesnt work for me that way...I really wanted to get a good set of weights but they are more expensive than the darn program ! plus i was in an apartments beofre ont he top floor and noone wanted to hear me do pylometrics haha...I may try to do the lean program, for real this time, if I can get ahold of a good set of weights for a reasonable price. even better would be if I could find someone to do the program with friends are too lazy to get ripped....


New Member
My weights don't go over 30 lbs because Im not going to buy new ones. Bands work great, you just have to do it and do it right. Results will come no matter what.