Finding out who owns the property behind me


New Member

I live in Huntingtown (Calvert), and the lot behind me is undeveloped.

I would likt to know who owns it. Anyone know how I can go about finding this info out?



I bowl overhand
ktrwe said:

I live in Huntingtown (Calvert), and the lot behind me is undeveloped.

I would likt to know who owns it. Anyone know how I can go about finding this info out?

Go to the county tax assessment page.. do a google for it it should take you right to it.. enter in the street and it should show all the properties, purchase price, assessment and owners name and address..


Hairy Harry
ktrwe said:

I live in Huntingtown (Calvert), and the lot behind me is undeveloped.

I would likt to know who owns it. Anyone know how I can go about finding this info out?


I can get that info. for you....need address and lot #.


New Member
I should have been more sepcific, sorry

Thanks for the info.
Cool web site btw.

The lot behind me is conservation, open space, and it supposed to be undevelopable. Hunting Creek runs through it. So, I don’t have a street or an address.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
HINT: Enter only the street name. Do not include Street, ST. Road, Blvd, etc. You will have to know the postal address of the lot.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
ktrwe said:
Thanks for the info.
Cool web site btw.

The lot behind me is conservation, open space, and it supposed to be undevelopable. Hunting Creek runs through it. So, I don’t have a street or an address.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again
Look up your address in the SDAT site ( then pull up the map for the property. It will show the neighboring lots and you can pull the map/grid/parcel information for that one. Do another search in the SDAT site using that information instead. Bingo! You should have the information on the lot.


New Member
Property Ownership

ktrwe said:

I live in Huntingtown (Calvert), and the lot behind me is undeveloped.

I would likt to know who owns it. Anyone know how I can go about finding this info out?

Go to the State Department of Assessments in Prince Frederick and ask to look at the tax map. The staff should be able to help you from there. I believe they are in the new Court House Annex building.