Fines at Dumps for "illegal" waste???


Well-Known Member
I visited the Landfill in Appeal (Sunday) guy on duty. He said I couldn't drop off my foam carpet padding or any number of other things (metal...carpet, building material etc)
After I was through (and yes I pitched in a floor runner for a stairwell) He came over and said he doesn't have to worry about being vigilant because they have cameras on each of the dump boxes and when they review the tapes...the county issues 500.00 fines.
My response was less than enthusiastic so he told me they made $11,500 alone in fines last weekend...
(made me think twice about that runner.. :confused: ) that a load of BS or has someone on the board been hit with a fine? Are they moving full speed into Big Brother?

Maybe I should just take all my plastics, carpet, and yard waste and burn it in the back yard like most of Lusby does.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
I know the big landfill only takes household garbage on Sundays. The rest of the week they take household and other stuff. I don't know about the fines, but they should fine the idiots who leave garbage outside the gates at both places.

John Z

if you will
What the heck are you supposed to do with carpet and padding? Close your eyes and wish real hard that it will cease to exist? Or is material only to be disposed during the week? :confused:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
John Z said:
What the heck are you supposed to do with carpet and padding?

In Calvert, I think you can take it to the big landfill anyday except Sunday.


Enjoying life!
Sharon said:
In Calvert, I think you can take it to the big landfill anyday except Sunday.

St. Mary's main landfill on St. Andrews Church Rd takes anything, including carpets, every day that I've ever been there.
The illegally dumped trash outside the Lusby transfer station after hours I think (fingers crossed) has finally stopped. After years of having to see a mountain of trash outside the gate every Monday morning - they finally did something about it (put up a chain across entrance with large $500 fine signs). Geez, why didn't they just do that years ago? It just amazes me that people would leave their trash like that to begin with. I mean, come on, a refrigerator???? I took the below pic sometime over the summer when I happened to have my digital camera in the car.

And sometimes there would be such a mountain of trash that the trash would still be there when you drove by at noon on a Monday.

<img src="">


Football addict
Steve said:
St. Mary's main landfill on St. Andrews Church Rd takes anything, including carpets, every day that I've ever been there.

It's pretty funny that they do and not Calvert. You know where most of our trash is going?(St. Mary's) It's being shipped to other places, namely Calvert. :lol:


New Member
BuddyLee said:
It's pretty funny that they do and not Calvert. You know where most of our trash is going?(St. Mary's) It's being shipped to other places, namely Calvert. :lol:

And you know where the trash goes from there (Calvert), back through St. Mary's to Virginia. Makes alot of sense to me :confused: . NOT!!!

Has anybody ever followed one of those nice smelling trucks from Calvert through St. Mary's and noticed how much trash manages to come out of the truck ? Try at least 3 to 5 pieces, that I've counted when I've got stuck behind them several times for about 10 to 15 miles at a time. Imagine how much is lost from the time the truck leaves Appeal Landfill and makes it to it's final stop in Virginia.