Finger Discomfort - Is it broken?


New Member
I was playing football on Thanksgiving and jammed my pinky (or is it pinkie?) finger. I could still bend it, there was no black and blue or anything, so I figured it would get better in a week or two or three. It's been over 5 weeks now and it feels only slightly better....I can bend it, no black & blue, but there is slight swelling. I have a doctor appointment this coming Monday, but I don't know if that is an over-reaction. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I was playing football on Thanksgiving and jammed my pinky (or is it pinkie?) finger. I could still bend it, there was no black and blue or anything, so I figured it would get better in a week or two or three. It's been over 5 weeks now and it feels only slightly better....I can bend it, no black & blue, but there is slight swelling. I have a doctor appointment this coming Monday, but I don't know if that is an over-reaction. Thoughts?

Did it throb at some point after you injured it? Like, later that day?
If so, you likely broke or fractured it. Not much they can do though...they'll just give you a splint if that was the case. :shrug:
Speaking from experience :lol: