Fins beat Steelers


DOLPHINS BEAT STEELERS 21 - 17 AS BIG BEN SITS THIS ONE OUT. Apparently he is a boy in a Mans body. :coffee:


Well-Known Member
garyt27 said:
DOLPHINS BEAT STEELERS 21 - 17 AS BIG BEN SITS THIS ONE OUT. Apparently he is a boy in a Mans body. :coffee:
They had me worried; there for a while I thought you may be right but not tonight. That D is Too much


New Member
Not too sure if you watched the game all the way but the STEELERS WON BABY :razz: Even though our one touchdown shouldn't have counted, you can take away 7 points and we still won!!



PAgirl76 said:
Not too sure if you watched the game all the way but the STEELERS WON BABY :razz: Even though our one touchdown shouldn't have counted, you can take away 7 points and we still won!!
I like the steelers, I thought with Ben out they would lose. That was the best game Batch has ever played in his NFL career! Go Skins! :coffee: