

Dream Stealer
Anyone take this?

Anyone take it while pregnant?

I saw a neurologist due to the severe migraines I was having and this is what he recommended I take. He assured me (several times :killingme) that it was safe to take in pregnancy (he wants me to take one every day) and most of my "online" research shows it is prescribed fairly commonly for pregnant women..but right on the package insert it says do not use if pregnant! I do not want to do a single thing to harm alien, but the migraines are getting scary.. perhaps I could take it simply to relieve a headache if I get one, instead? I am going to put in a call to dr. polko..but thought I would ask if anyone has taken this before, and had relief, or taken it while pregnant while I wait for a call back...



Pea Brain
PREMO Member
:howdy: I take that for migraines while pregnant. First baby came out just fine. Second one seems to be coming along nicely.


Cleopatra Jones
Anyone take this?

Anyone take it while pregnant?

I saw a neurologist due to the severe migraines I was having and this is what he recommended I take. He assured me (several times :killingme) that it was safe to take in pregnancy (he wants me to take one every day) and most of my "online" research shows it is prescribed fairly commonly for pregnant women..but right on the package insert it says do not use if pregnant! I do not want to do a single thing to harm alien, but the migraines are getting scary.. perhaps I could take it simply to relieve a headache if I get one, instead? I am going to put in a call to dr. polko..but thought I would ask if anyone has taken this before, and had relief, or taken it while pregnant while I wait for a call back...


They tried me on it before I got pregnant with my second and it didn't work. The only thing that ever worked for me was a combo of Imitrex and Vicoprofen. When I was pregnant I took Vicoden with limited success. It was better than nothing but nowhere near as effective as it was with the Imitrex. After my first trimester they allowed me to take ibuprofen or asprin with the vico if the migraine was really bad.
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Pea Brain
PREMO Member
They tried me on it before I got pregnant with my second and it didn't work. The only thing that ever worked for me was a combo of Imitrex and Vicoprofen. When I was pregnant I took Vicoden with limited success. It was better than nothing but nowhere near as effective as it was with the Imitrex. After my first trimest they allowed me to take ibuprofen or asprin with the vico if the migraine was really bad.

I take Vicodin as well. Neither one really gets rid of the migraine, but the Fioricet kind of takes the edge off and the Vicodin makes me kind of not give a sh!t. :lol:

I agree that nothing works like Imitrex!! :bawl:


Well-Known Member
Anyone take this?

Anyone take it while pregnant?

I saw a neurologist due to the severe migraines I was having and this is what he recommended I take. He assured me (several times :killingme) that it was safe to take in pregnancy (he wants me to take one every day) and most of my "online" research shows it is prescribed fairly commonly for pregnant women..but right on the package insert it says do not use if pregnant! I do not want to do a single thing to harm alien, but the migraines are getting scary.. perhaps I could take it simply to relieve a headache if I get one, instead? I am going to put in a call to dr. polko..but thought I would ask if anyone has taken this before, and had relief, or taken it while pregnant while I wait for a call back...


Its a combination of aspirin, caffeine, and percoset. Fiorinol is a combination of aspirin, caffeine, and codeine.