Fire Marshal Fire at Owings auto repair shop causes $350,000 damages

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Date: 3/29/22

Time: 10:22 p.m.

Location / Address: 140 West Mt. Harmony Road, Owings, Calvert County, Maryland

Type of Incident: Fire

Description of Structure / Property: Auto Repair Shop

Owner / Occupants: Michael Cockrell

Injuries or Deaths: None

Estimated $ Loss: Structure: $ 250,000.00 Contents: $ 100,000.00

Smoke Alarm Status: N/A

Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status: N/A

Arrests(s): None

Primary Responding Fire Department: Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department

# of Alarms: 2 # Of Firefighters: 60

Time to Control: 60 minutes

Discovered By: Neighbor

Area of Origin: Exterior of Building

Preliminary Cause: Under Investigation

Additional Information: The fire involved an auto repair shop. The fire damaged the structure and several vehicles parked outside. The incident remains under investigation. Anyone with any information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Office of the State Fire Marshal, Southern Regional Office, at 443-550-6831.