Fire Burns ATM Machine

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Washington - D.C. firefighters found themselves confronted with something they don't usually see burning – a cash machine.

When they arrived at the Bank of America branch near Fourth and 'M' Southwest this morning, they found the ATM ablaze.

Authorities at first considered it suspicious. But upon further investigation they learned that a crew had power washed the machine. It appears the powerful stream of water caused a short, which in turn started the fire. :killingme

No one was hurt, and officials say all the money was saved.

:lmao: I guess they won't try to power wash an ATM again, will they?


Not dead yet.
Money to burn

Burning a hole in your pocket

Guess it wasn't cold, hard, cash

That's what they get for laundering money.