Fire Marshal Fire destroys Callaway home; residents escape safely; $250K loss

Information pertaining to the Maryland State Fire Marshal.
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21205 Point Lookout Road, Callaway, St. Mary's County, Maryland


Date: 4/2/22

Time: 6:22 p.m.

Location / Address: 21205 Point Lookout Road, Callaway, St. Mary's County, Maryland

Type of Incident: Fire

Description of Structure / Property: 1 & 1/2 Story Single Family Dwelling

Owner / Occupants: Combs Family

Injuries or Deaths: None

Estimated $ Loss: Structure: $ 250,000.00

Smoke Alarm Status: Present - unknown if activated

Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status: None

Arrests(s): None

Primary Responding Fire Department: Bay District Volunteer Fire Department

# of Alarms: 1 # Of Firefighters: 60

Time to Control: 30 minutes

Discovered By: Family

Area of Origin: Ceiling space in attached converted garage.

Preliminary Cause: Accidental - Unspecified electrical event

Additional Information: The homeowner observed the fire in the early stages and was able to safely evacuate everyone from the home. The home is a complete loss and the occupants are being assisted by family and friends.