Fire on base?


New Member
Ok what was on fire today? I tried to find it but I could not see anything thru all the smoke. it was something twords the back of base. Between the campgrounds and the other runway. It was SUPER SUPER smokey.


New Member
Since when does fog go up in a big black coud? Since when is fog dark brown close to the ground. It was soooo NOT fog. You could only see like 10 ft in front of you in some places.


professional daydreamer
Goobergrl6 said:
Since when does fog go up in a big black coud? Since when is frog dark brown close to the ground. It was soooo NOT fog. You could only see like 10 ft in front of you in some places.

What's a black coud?

For your information, I have seen dark brown frogs close to the ground.

Richard Wood

New Member
My suggestion is to contact the fire chief at the Naval District Washington, D.C.. NDW runs the FD at PAX now so that's the guy I would ask with any fire or FD related questions at PAX if I was concerned.