Fireman or basketball player


Well-Known Member
The Wizards/Capitals held a fund raising event for a man most of Americans didn’t really know, but admired his ability to put a ball in a hoop. Oh, he’s left millions to his family after a horrific accident. Millions, cash. The event raised almost 20 thousand in mere hours. Wonderful.
There is a young firefighter in Calvert County Md. suffering with a life threatening illness that has left his family in turmoil. No, he can’t go downtown with a 3 point slam, definitely hasn’t raped a woman or even has a tennis shoe endorsement. No, he runs into houses on fire, breathes life into gramps who is suffering a cardiac event, while holding onto a regular job. Car washes, fill the boot events, plastic jars at small retail stores won’t come close to 20K.


RBF expert

This is the CHARITY in which the Caps and Wizards fundraising efforts went to support...not Kobe Bryant's family. I don't see anything wrong with a charity that focuses on sports programming for underserved communities - benefitting both children and vets. There's a million charities out there... all focused on different things. They can't all serve one specific home town hero.