

For those of you that are interested in a biblically and morally correct MOVIE, this is one to go see... Welcome To - In Theaters September 26, 2008
Most amazing movie i have ever seen!

I did not get to Annapolis to see it, wish it would play here at home.
"Facing the Giants" is another great movie, it is about High School Football.
You can find it online for purchase.........we show it at our house ( movie night ) to my son and his friends and we will be doing it again soon. Great Fall Movie with a wonderful message of Hope and encouragement...


I did not get to Annapolis to see it, wish it would play here at home.
"Facing the Giants" is another great movie, it is about High School Football.
You can find it online for purchase.........we show it at our house ( movie night ) to my son and his friends and we will be doing it again soon. Great Fall Movie with a wonderful message of Hope and encouragement...

I saw "Facing the Giants". Very inspirational.


New Member
Fireproof is now out on DVD, and the book, "The Love Dare", that is featured in the film is out also. This is truely an inspirational film. Anyone who is married, or thinking about getting married, should see this movie.


Fireproof is now out on DVD, and the book, "The Love Dare", that is featured in the film is out also. This is truely an inspirational film. Anyone who is married, or thinking about getting married, should see this movie.

We rented it the day it came out on DVD. It is a great movie. It's too bad you can't find more movies like this at Blockbuster.


Little ol' Me
We watched this Tuesday night too and wow it really opens your eyes about your relationship.. I thought the movie was just ok but the thought behind what they wanted you to see was amazing..


New Member
This film has the potential to change lives and marriages, if we listen to what the movie is teaching. This film is truely a gift from GOD.


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of...atheist couples who have stayed together, happy and faithful for decades.
And, there are plenty of murders, rapists, and politicians who believe they are living happy, fullfilled lives. You make a point with no value.
The root of their problems was not that they didn't go to church often enough.
Nor does that sound like what the film is saying. "Going to church often enough" and having a fullfilling relationship with God are not any closer to the same thing than going to court a lot and living a lawful life.
The film seems to imply that one cannot really know the full meaning of love without taking and living by the messages found within the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. If you are of the Christian faith and want to believe this, fine, but this message is a failure when you consider all of the non-religious, anti-religious, and differently religious intimate couples which have persevered and shown enduring love for each other throughout the relationship.
Again, you could turn this argument around and say "...if you want to believe that atheist attitudes will give you a good life, fine for you, but consider all of the religious - especially devout Christians - intimate couples which have persevered and shown enduring love for each other throughout their relationship...."

The fact is, a Christian person will believe their life is more fullfilled, more meaningful, and overall better if they live by their teachings. That fullfilled, meaningful existence, combined with the teachings of how to treat your spouse (which are all admirable) will, in fact and in deed, lead to a happier, stronger, longer lasting marriage of bliss. If an atheist or other religions can find that within their bounds of beliefs (or lack thereof), good for them. But, that won't make them better Christians, nor better Christian spouses.
Does Catherine return to her husband out of some "soul-searching" or any other religious experience. No, the action that final won her heart back? A $24,000 gift to her parents, by her husband. So basically, large amounts of money can fix a broken marriage.
I haven't seen the movie, so I can't speak to its message. However, I know I've given a great deal of money, my time and services, and goods over the decades of my life. The amount of money (or anything else) was never the strength of the gift - it was the selflessness of giving, and the boost (however large or small) it provided to the recipient.

If the movie implies that money can fix a broken marriage, then I would have to agree that it's a bad movie. If it demonstrates that someone overcame some self-centeredness and became the type of person able to give - even if it hurt the giver financially - and be a better human being, and the wife grew to love her husband even more because of who he became or returned to, well, that's a whole different message, isn't it?


"Fireproof" documents the declining marriage of a fire captain (Cameron) and his hospital administrator wife (Catherine Holt). Fortunately, this fire captain's best friend (Ken Bevel) is an Evangelical Christian, and his father (Harris Malcolm) has recently also converted. When Dad hears his son is seriously considering a divorce, he gives him a 40-day journal. Each day has a step for saving the marriage and and accompanying Bible verse.

The message: Only Evangelical Christians get married for the "right" reasons, and the source of all marital discord is a lack of faith in God's word. There are plenty of Evangelicals who have been divorced multiple times, and atheist couples who have stayed together, happy and faithful for decades. The root of their problems was not that they didn't go to church often enough. The film seems to imply that one cannot really know the full meaning of love without taking and living by the messages found within the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. If you are of the Christian faith and want to believe this, fine, but this message is a failure when you consider all of the non-religious, anti-religious, and differently religious intimate couples which have persevered and shown enduring love for each other throughout the relationship.

Does Catherine return to her husband out of some "soul-searching" or any other religious experience. No, the action that final won her heart back? A $24,000 gift to her parents, by her husband. So basically, large amounts of money can fix a broken marriage.

Maybe they should take a note from Tyler Perry who makes Christian-themed films that do not insult your intelligence with their complete lack of subtlety. :shrug:

If you don't like the movie.....DON'T WATCH IT! I'm sure there are still a few porn flicks out there you haven't seen yet. Watch those.

My family watched it and thought it was a good movie. The acting wasn't the best but the story was good.
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New Member
In the movie, Catherine feels that her husband's heart is with other things. He is constantly on the Internet staring at a boat he has been saving for at the tune of depriving the household income by 1/3 and looking at pornography. Catherine is working a full-time job and taking care of her parents on the weekends and feeling frustrated that she is pulling all the weight taking care of the house, doing the shopping, washing, cleaning, etc. etc. His lack of attention for her makes her feel unimportant and as if her thoughts and feelings don’t matter; in fact, she feels so under appreciated that when a doctor at her job comes along and starts to express interest in her, she bites and is responsive.

I hate to put my thoughts on the $24,000 but will since I have seen the movie and most of the story line has already been placed out here. It really had nothing to do with the amount of money but that he had given up something he felt was so important to him over the years; something that was a contributing factor in the condition of their marriage downfall. In fact, what This_Person said was spot on in the concept behind the money, even without seeing the film.

There is actually another thread on this movie and in that thread, I posted what I believe to be the core pillar of the movie. Most of us do marry and say our vows "for better or for worse" but do we really mean for the worse? What is the worse? I am sure anyone who has been married for any amount of time can honestly say that the worst in their marriage was far worse than they every imagined. Marriage is hard work and many of us have been in a position to have something terrible said to us and argue back. Does arguing back make it better or worse? Do we say things quick in anger that we later regret or may not have meant? Probably... in fact, I guarantee we do! But the question this comes up in what I feel is the core pillar of the movie is how can you continue to love somebody that rejects you over and over again? It is the same concept behind the love of Jesus Christ who loves us to despite our rejection and willingness to do things 'our' way!

I wouldn't knock the movie until you've actually watched it. This is a church that makes movies from time to time, not some Hollywood production company whose sole purpose in life is to entertain you! They felt this message was a strong one and one that could minister to others in society. I believe they've accomplished that goal. Most of the people I know who have seen the film and even my husband and I, who have seen the movie, felt there were many quality points to the film. We could relate and understand, which was the church in Albany Georgia's goal. The root of their problems was NOT that they "didn't go to church enough" but that they made other things in life a priority in their lives instead of making each other a priority.


Only Evangelical Christians

I was distracted by this in the "Message" in the first post by nucklesack.

Please define what is meant by it as opposed to other types of christians?:howdy: