

Well-Known Member
In the last few days I have seen three tents set in the Lex Park-California area up that are advertising fireworks. I though fireworks were illegal to sell except for sparklers and other similar whimpy things.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by blacklabman
In the last few days I have seen three tents set in the Lex Park-California area up that are advertising fireworks. I though fireworks were illegal to sell except for sparklers and other similar whimpy things.

You have to have a permit issued by the State Fire Marshall to possess fireworks beyond the sparkler types. Don't know how hard it is to get a permit but it will cost $50.

§ 16.
(a) (1) It is unlawful for any person to discharge fireworks without a permit issued pursuant to this subtitle, or to possess fireworks, either with the intention of discharging or permitting the discharge thereof in violation of this subtitle, or for the purpose of disposal or sale to persons for use or discharge without a permit, where a permit is required by this subtitle. The fee for this permit is $50.
(2) The permit fee requirement of paragraph (1) of this subsection does not apply to a volunteer fire department or volunteer ambulance and rescue company.
(b) It is unlawful for any person to sell fireworks to any person without a permit issued pursuant to this subtitle, but a manufacturer licensed by the State Fire Marshal pursuant to this subtitle may sell or deliver fireworks to bona fide distributors, jobbers, or wholesalers whose principal places of business are situated in a state where the sale or possession of fireworks is permitted. The State Fire Marshal may require such out-of-state distributors, jobbers, or wholesalers to submit a certificate issued by their state of operation of permission or approval to buy and receive fireworks.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by blacklabman
In the last few days I have seen three tents set in the Lex Park-California area up that are advertising fireworks. I though fireworks were illegal to sell except for sparklers and other similar whimpy things.


I thought that last year, the Legislature modified Maryland's law to allow for ground based fireworks discharge? That would mean that fountains, and stuff like that is legal, but bottle rockets, are not. Maybe someone can swing through one of those tents and let us know what cool stuff they have beyond sparklers... ???


I bowl overhand
Wal-Mart and Target are selling ground type fireworks.. Fountains and other fufu sparkly things. Of course you can drive to PA and get the real manly stuff!!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Re: Re: Fireworks?

Originally posted by Oz
I thought that last year, the Legislature modified Maryland's law to allow for ground based fireworks discharge? That would mean that fountains, and stuff like that is legal, but bottle rockets, are not. Maybe someone can swing through one of those tents and let us know what cool stuff they have beyond sparklers... ???

They DID change the law last year. I think you are right about what's legal now.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Or TN and get REALLY good stuff.



Active Member
Fireworks are nice but they can be dangerous. Believe me! One time we had some fireworks that look like little pellets and then you light them and they burn up and look like a snake. My dad said they was kid's fireworks and lighted one on my grandma's kitchen table. It shooted sparks everywhere and filled up the kitchen with smoke. Some neighbor called the fire department and they came and got mad. They said it was real stupid to burn them in the house because they get about 900 degress hot. It burned a hole in the table. After that my grandma wouldn't even let him light sparklers in the house. Also my cousin got shooted in the eye with a bottle rocket and had to get part of his eyelid taken out.
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You're all F'in Mad...
Re: Re: Re: Fireworks?

Originally posted by cmcdanal
They DID change the law last year. I think you are right about what's legal now.

What about firecrackers? Those are ground based, (unless you're driving around throwing them out your car window...) but some of them are just mini-sticks of dynamite...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fireworks?

Originally posted by Oz
What about firecrackers? Those are ground based, (unless you're driving around throwing them out your car window...) but some of them are just mini-sticks of dynamite...
Whooooo Hooooooo! M-80's and Quarter Sticks. Haven't had those in years.

It'd be great if they'd bring back black cats and jumping jacks. I doubt seriously it would ever happen.

They can't claim they're a fire hazard this year though. You could napalm the woods and it wouldn't burn after the past month.
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Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fireworks?

Originally posted by Oz
What about firecrackers? Those are ground based, (unless you're driving around throwing them out your car window...) but some of them are just mini-sticks of dynamite...

I think the law limits the amount of noise or the amount of gunpowder or something that keeps firecrackers illegal. M-80's are definately out.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fireworks?

Originally posted by Kyle
Whooooo Hooooooo! M-80's and Quarter Sticks. Haven't had those in years.

Sheesh Kyle...make your own. :biggrin:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fireworks?

Originally posted by Sharon
Sheesh Kyle...make your own. :biggrin:
I suppose I could recycle a couple of the charges under the bridge, now that the bunker is finished.


My Sweetest Boy
Rod-N-Reel Fireworks

Don't know if any of you attend this but my family's gone for years. We've always had a good time, sitting on the beach, sipping "sodas" and listening to music before the actual display of fireworks (which have been great for many years).

Much to my dismay, the hotel construction has become a reality and the beach is gone. :bawl: I'll be going somewhere else.

I just wonder how many people only go there yearly just for this...they will be quite surprised.


I bowl overhand
Think I have a brick of Blcak cats in my basement.. either that or Silver Magnums.. or both.. Bought them 3 years ago in PA, and never got to use them all. And I used A LOT!