First Black Woman To Earn Three-Star-Rank


Ubi bene ibi patria
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"NORFOLK, Va. — The Navy says a Virginia-based sailor has become the first black woman to earn a three-star-rank in the U.S. armed forces.

Vice Adm. Michelle Janine Howard was promoted to deputy commander of U.S. Fleet Forces command in Norfolk on Friday.

Howard has a record of setting historic milestones.

Howard was also the first black woman to command a U.S. Navy warship, the first female graduate of the Naval Academy to achieve the rank of rear admiral and the first black woman to command an expeditionary strike group at sea.

Her last assignment was serving as chief of staff to the director for strategic plans and policy for the Joint Staff at the Pentagon. Her hometown is Aurora, Colo."


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In My Opinion
Good chance that its affirmative action and not ability that got her there.
Seems right young to already have it.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Good chance that its affirmative action and not ability that got her there.
Seems right young to already have it.

It's known as 'grooming' and happens a lot in the military. You can be sure there are LGBTPZ candidates being identified for advanced service schools and special assignments preparing them for unlimited rank and responsibility advancement. Happens whenever there's a Democrat leadership in the White House.


In My Opinion
It's known as 'grooming' and happens a lot in the military. You can be sure there are LGBTPZ candidates being identified for advanced service schools and special assignments preparing them for unlimited rank and responsibility advancement. Happens whenever there's a Democrat leadership in the White House.

just makes me have to question their ability to actually do their job without someone telling them what to do every moment. I would feel much better about high positions being filled by qualified people that had no affirmative action push.


No Use for Donk Twits
The entire debate about race/sex in the military is a double edged sword. When I was stationed in Hawaii we had the first female brigade commander of the USNA assigned as a Cryptologic Ensign. She sure had her work cut out for her. Juliane Gallina was her name. She retired (I believe) as a Captain. But in our field, there was only one Admiral. Many capable officers but only one star position available. In my mind, she was groomed for bigger and better things but it just didn't work out.

Ned Deets was the XO at Pyong Taek, ROK when I spent four years there during the Olympics in '88. He was really superb and is now Commander of the Naval Warfare Network Command. He was a product of NROTC outta Duke.