BS Gal said:
It appears a traffic light is going up on Route 4 where it intersects with FDR (First Colony shopping center). If it is an actual traffic light (i.e., stop light), I can see some problems with that. Maybe it's going to just be a flashing caution-type light?
Well, all I know is that I, for one, hope that it's an actual traffic light.
For my money there simply aren't enough places in Calfornia that give you a place to rest for a few minutes where a driver may take their ease and get a reprieve from all the tension and turmoil that can build up during uninterrupted driving.
In fact, I hope that they put up a stoplight every 90 to 100 feet along Rt 4 and St. Andrew's Church Rd. like they did along Rt. 235 in the California/Lexington Park corridor.
If only they could duplicate that driving experience everywhere throughout the county...