First Game...


Set Trippin
Lil MM played his first game yesterday... He is an offensive lineman (guard-tackle) and on defense he is an OUTSIDE LINEBACKER!!! :getdown: His team lost their first outing, but the boys had fun and so did I...:jet:

Shorty recorded 3 tackles in the game and also forced a fumble :biggrin:


My Sweetest Boy
mainman said:
Lil MM played his first game yesterday... He is an offensive lineman (guard-tackle) and on defense he is an OUTSIDE LINEBACKER!!! :getdown: His team lost their first outing, but the boys had fun and so did I...:jet:

Shorty recorded 3 tackles in the game and also forced a fumble :biggrin:

Let us know his schedule...we'd like to see a game!


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
otter said:
You're quite jocular this morning, musta slept good.
I blame it on the cow slow roasted in the crock pot for 10hrs yesterday, that I had for dinner last night! :yum: jui-cy!


Set Trippin
Nanny Pam said:
Wow, MM He plays football already! GREAT
Post pics. I'd love to see them.


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Nanny Pam

RoseRed said:
How cute is he!?! :huggy:
OMG~ I loved those days when my son played! All those cute little boys out there, running around and half of them didn't have a clue. It was GREAT~! :yahoo:

Way to go, little MM :yay: