First Group MMA and now…


Lawful neutral

Meet the latest fighting craze that has been described as a cross between TV show Gladiators and MMA - Hip Show.

This wild, no-holds barred Russian version of Mixed Martial Arts sees teams of two square off against each other on a three-level structure with fighters free to use any style they favour.

The two teams do battle in a 12x12m arena within the two-metre high structures and the results are often devastating for its competitors.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Lame. There is virtually no way to avoid serious injury and thus no way to build any sort of fan favorites or villains.

The team format in traditional cage works and you'll be able to have teams continue on, come back and better luck next time, evolving tactics, etc.

This thing is just a recipe for paralyzed and otherwise crippled fighters.