First post,and it's about PERIODS


New Member
Hello ladies,I'm a long time reader of the forums and find myself needing some advice. I am just at wit's end. I had a hysteroscopic myomectomy done almost three weeks ago for a single submucosal fibroid. I am now on my period and it has been a nightmare. Needing to change products every hour for the past three days,the only time there is a break is at night when I'm sleeping for some reason - a scary level of bleeding to where I've debated going to the er a few times. My doctor says this doesn't mean the procedure failed,and it can take 1-3 months to improve!:shocking: I wasn't given that bit of info before,and when I asked I had been told it should get better right away. I'd like to know if anyone else has had this procedure done and I'm looking for some hope that things will get better. It's certainly not the end of the world,but when you've been bleeding that bad for three days it gets scary and depressing. I've tried contacting my dr.,and he is on vacation. Solo practice. :( Thanks in advance - hopefully later I can contribute more that just telling everyone I'm on the rag!


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,I'm a long time reader of the forums and find myself needing some advice. I am just at wit's end. I had a hysteroscopic myomectomy done almost three weeks ago for a single submucosal fibroid. I am now on my period and it has been a nightmare. Needing to change products every hour for the past three days,the only time there is a break is at night when I'm sleeping for some reason - a scary level of bleeding to where I've debated going to the er a few times. My doctor says this doesn't mean the procedure failed,and it can take 1-3 months to improve!:shocking: I wasn't given that bit of info before,and when I asked I had been told it should get better right away. I'd like to know if anyone else has had this procedure done and I'm looking for some hope that things will get better. It's certainly not the end of the world,but when you've been bleeding that bad for three days it gets scary and depressing. I've tried contacting my dr.,and he is on vacation. Solo practice. :( Thanks in advance - hopefully later I can contribute more that just telling everyone I'm on the rag!

I cannot help with advise from your procedure since I never had it done, but from someone who called my doctor several times telling them I was "bleeding to death" and told that doesn't happen, do what you need to do for peace of mind. When I nearly passed out at work and drove myself to the ER, I was in fact bleeing to death. I had 4 pints of blood and a hysterectomy scheduled as soon as possible. Obviously every situation is different. You may very well be fine and just need some reassurance that all is well for peace of mind. If you think you need to seek medical attention, please do so. :huggy:

Hope you feel better.


Active Member
That is not normal. You need to see your Doctor, or go to the E.R. if you don't get better soon. You might just need something as simple as a hormone injection, but it's best to err on the side of caution.


New Member
Thank you for your responses! I am really frustrated that my surgeon has disappeared on me,and am planning to go back to the hospital where I had surgery if things continue like this.


happy to be living
Thank you for your responses! I am really frustrated that my surgeon has disappeared on me,and am planning to go back to the hospital where I had surgery if things continue like this.

In the meantime, make sure you are getting plenty of iron in your diet since you don't want to become anemic.


New Member
I am anemic,that's actually what led to the surgery. Thankfully things are much,much better now. Come on,menopause!!!