Fish fights flames, avoids fry, saves Minnesota school

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
EAGAN, Minn. - A smoke alarm summoned firefighters to a school in the middle of the night, but when they arrived the flames already had been put out. Dory took care of it.

Dory is a fish, a Betta kept in a vase on a desk in a third-grade classroom at Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran School.

A forgotten candle started a small fire on the desk on Jan. 24, setting off the smoke alarm and shattering the fish bowl, spilling enough water to put out the flames.

Firefighters found a few embers still glowing on the desk - and Dory still alive in a puddle.

"It was certainly looking distinctly unhappy," firefighter Al Taylor said of the little fish.

Firefighters put Dory in a new container, and now the children in the class are excited about their little hero, said teacher Linda Krienke.

"Each of them wrote a story from the fish's point of view, how his Friday night went. He saw the fire, and then he got real hot and then his vase broke and he fell on the floor and the fireman came in and saved him."

The room was heavily damaged by smoke, so the students and their little mascot were moved to the school music room.

Dory, named for the sidekick who helps find a kidnapped fish in the movie Finding Nemo, is "quite a survivor," Krienke said.


Firefighters found a few embers still glowing on the desk - and Dory still alive in a puddle.

"It was certainly looking distinctly unhappy," firefighter Al Taylor said of the little fish.



Well-Known Member
Fire alarm breaks a water filled vase. A vase of water puts out a fire. This story smells fishy.


Not dead yet.
Must have been a BIG vase to put out a desk burning hot enough to break the glass. I wonder who left the candle burning and what manner of trouble they are in. Still a cute story, though. I wonder what color beta this fish is? Red would be funny, although after he flapped around on the burned desk I'm sure it was black.