Fish Oil Capsules


Little ol' Me
I heard a couple people talk about how good they are for you and have done some research online but would like some first hand knowledge.

Does anyone take it everyday? What results did you get?
Give it to your kids? Results?
Anybody ever given it to kid with ADD and seen an great results?


I heard a couple people talk about how good they are for you and have done some research online but would like some first hand knowledge.

Does anyone take it everyday? What results did you get?
Give it to your kids? Results?
Anybody ever given it to kid with ADD and seen an great results?

My son loves the ones I give him... he actually chews them and yes I can tell a difference when he runs out.

A higher concentration of DHA is better for your mood and memory while a higher concentration of EPA is great for your heart, eyes, hair, skin.... I can tell the difference in my own body when I run out. I have tried all kinds of EFAs from hemp, flax, borage, rice bran.... etc but I believe fish oil can benefit everyone.

I like the brand Nordic Naturals.


Little ol' Me
My son loves the ones I give him... he actually chews them and yes I can tell a difference when he runs out.

A higher concentration of DHA is better for your mood and memory while a higher concentration of EPA is great for your heart, eyes, hair, skin.... I can tell the difference in my own body when I run out. I have tried all kinds of EFAs from hemp, flax, borage, rice bran.... etc but I believe fish oil can benefit everyone.

I like the brand Nordic Naturals.

Thank you very much


33 yrs & we r still n luv
My son loves the ones I give him... he actually chews them and yes I can tell a difference when he runs out.

A higher concentration of DHA is better for your mood and memory while a higher concentration of EPA is great for your heart, eyes, hair, skin.... I can tell the difference in my own body when I run out. I have tried all kinds of EFAs from hemp, flax, borage, rice bran.... etc but I believe fish oil can benefit everyone.

I like the brand Nordic Naturals.

I just started taking Lovaza yesterday for my triglycerides. Holy moly these pills are HUGE. Obviously I haven't been on it long a enough to see a difference, but am hoping I will!


New Member
I take them every day - several pills a day actually. I have noticed a HUGE difference, especially in my joints (I am young but I had lyme disease when I was 21 and it really messed up my joints...) They are one of the few supplements I think I'll be taking for the rest of my life...

I give them to my daughter too - I punch a little hole in the capsules and squeeze it into applesauce or yogurt, she doens't taste it.

I'll warn you - either get a flavored one, OR take something with it like vit. C or you will get 'fishy burps' and those aren't pleasant!! I take a coQ10 with mine - that's another supplement that is great for you.

I use the Life Extension brand - I have to order them online, but they are worth it. I did try the nordic naturals, and also blue ice - both are great companies and offer flavored options, but I just favor the life extension ones for some reason.

I've seen research that says that fish oil is great for kid with ADD/ADHD, autisum, etc - I'll try to dig some up for you. I've heard that a gluten-free diet works well for ADHD too, that's harder to 'do' but might be worth it if the problems are really severe and you don't want to go the medicine route....

let me see if I can dig up my research and I'll PM you with some links later on... :coffee:
I take fish pills along with Crestor for lowering cholesterol. It does work for me. I use Nature Made Odorless. No fishy burp-back taste.


I take them every day - several pills a day actually. I have noticed a HUGE difference, especially in my joints (I am young but I had lyme disease when I was 21 and it really messed up my joints...) They are one of the few supplements I think I'll be taking for the rest of my life...

I give them to my daughter too - I punch a little hole in the capsules and squeeze it into applesauce or yogurt, she doens't taste it.

I'll warn you - either get a flavored one, OR take something with it like vit. C or you will get 'fishy burps' and those aren't pleasant!! I take a coQ10 with mine - that's another supplement that is great for you.

I use the Life Extension brand - I have to order them online, but they are worth it. I did try the nordic naturals, and also blue ice - both are great companies and offer flavored options, but I just favor the life extension ones for some reason.

I've seen research that says that fish oil is great for kid with ADD/ADHD, autisum, etc - I'll try to dig some up for you. I've heard that a gluten-free diet works well for ADHD too, that's harder to 'do' but might be worth it if the problems are really severe and you don't want to go the medicine route....

let me see if I can dig up my research and I'll PM you with some links later on... :coffee:

I stopped taking CoQ10 when I found out I was pregnant, Dr said he didn't know the effect of CoQ10 on the fetus. But you're right CoQ10 is a great supplement :yay:
As far as fish burps, they seem unavoidable as I have tried several brands but at least if you have a flavored fish oil it's kind of pleasant, lol.

I take fish pills along with Crestor for lowering cholesterol. It does work for me. I use Nature Made Odorless. No fishy burp-back taste.

I burped with those too :tantrum


New Member
I take Omega 3 and Resveratrol everyday.

Resveratrol is actually an excellent supplement to add to your everyday routine. Research it!


Luvin Life !!!
I take a multi vitamin and an Omega 3 every day. No burp backs for me though. I have one more year until I have to add the geritol into my daily regimen. :lol:


New Member
Enzyme Response

I heard a couple people talk about how good they are for you and have done some research online but would like some first hand knowledge.

Does anyone take it everyday? What results did you get?
Give it to your kids? Results?
Anybody ever given it to kid with ADD and seen an great results?

Enzyme extractions from fish organs is pretty sexy; no doubt about that! The short paragraphs below might provide solutions to your concerns.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is produced by the human body and is necessary for the basic functioning of cells. CoQ10 levels are reported to decrease with age and to be low in patients with some chronic diseases such as heart conditions, muscular dystrophies, Parkinson's disease, cancer, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS. Some prescription drugs may also lower CoQ10 levels.
Levels of CoQ10 in the body can be increased by taking CoQ10 supplements, although it is not clear that replacing "low CoQ10" is beneficial. Researchers think antioxidants, such as flavonoids or a substance called resveratrol, have promising heart-healthy benefits.
Antioxidants aren't the only substances in red wine that look promising. The alcohol in red wine also appears to be heart healthy.
We all need the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil for long-term health and to reduce our risks of heart disease, cancer, decrease inflammation and enhance mood. If you're healthy, you're better off getting omega-3s not by a fish oil supplement but by eating at least three servings per week of oily fish (wild Alaskan salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring). Avoid carnivorous fish such as swordfish and marlin, which spend a lot of time in coastal waters where pollution levels are highest; bluefish, which tend to concentrate mercury; and albacore tuna, which may harbor the same pollutants as swordfish and marlin.


Little ol' Me
I take them every day - several pills a day actually. I have noticed a HUGE difference, especially in my joints (I am young but I had lyme disease when I was 21 and it really messed up my joints...) They are one of the few supplements I think I'll be taking for the rest of my life...

I give them to my daughter too - I punch a little hole in the capsules and squeeze it into applesauce or yogurt, she doens't taste it.

I'll warn you - either get a flavored one, OR take something with it like vit. C or you will get 'fishy burps' and those aren't pleasant!! I take a coQ10 with mine - that's another supplement that is great for you.

I use the Life Extension brand - I have to order them online, but they are worth it. I did try the nordic naturals, and also blue ice - both are great companies and offer flavored options, but I just favor the life extension ones for some reason.

I've seen research that says that fish oil is great for kid with ADD/ADHD, autisum, etc - I'll try to dig some up for you. I've heard that a gluten-free diet works well for ADHD too, that's harder to 'do' but might be worth it if the problems are really severe and you don't want to go the medicine route....

let me see if I can dig up my research and I'll PM you with some links later on... :coffee:

That would be great, Thank you. I did some research and it said the fish oil caps help ADD children to focus and think better, which is what I am interested in.