Flacco or Fluke-O


New Member
So all this talk about Flacco bringing the Ravens back to the Har-Bowl. Is he finally and ELITE quarterback or what?


New Member
Flacco has always been elite when he has had the proper protection. With the switch in the O-line, he has this protection and is unstoppable.

But it also depends on how you define elite? Who else is in that grouping? Are we talking only Brady and Manning? Or does it include Rodgers, Brees, E. Manning??

People have doubted the Ravens forever. Even after they win the SB, people will continue to doubt.


So all this talk about Flacco bringing the Ravens back to the Har-Bowl. Is he finally and ELITE quarterback or what?

I don't know if he's ELITE, with his name decorating the sky like Marino, Montana and Unitas but he's certainly a hell of a shot better than most people give him credit for. IMO, he deserves to be listed among the top QB's of today. He led the team to victories over Roethlisberger, Brady, and both Mannings. He's led the team deep into the Playoffs every year since he first grabbed the football there.

It's not random chance.


New Member
Flacco has always been elite when he has had the proper protection. With the switch in the O-line, he has this protection and is unstoppable.

But it also depends on how you define elite? Who else is in that grouping? Are we talking only Brady and Manning? Or does it include Rodgers, Brees, E. Manning??

When I think elite currently in the league, I think Brady, P. Manning, Rodgers, Brees.
E. Manning is not in this list IMO simply because he has gotten lucky too many times by just heaving the ball up in the air and praying that someone on his team catches it. See Hixon's helmet catch a couple years ago and Manninghams sideline grab last year.
Though I am a Steelers fan, I don't put Big Ben in this group simply because he's good for at least 1 pick and 3 or 4 REALLY bad throws a game. He's clutch and tough as nails, however, his decision making isn't the best sometimes.
That being said, does Flacco belong in this list. Ray Rice has bailed him out ALOT. Torrey Smith has bailed him out ALOT and so had Anquan Bolden. Is Flacco great or is he surrounded by great players making him LOOK great? I mean having a 0.3 and 0.4 QBR this year says something doesn't it?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So all this talk about Flacco bringing the Ravens back to the Har-Bowl. Is he finally and ELITE quarterback or what?

What is the measure of 'elite'? Marino was as elite as it gets and never won a Superbowl, starting in the same number as Grossman, one.

Flacco had the Pat's beat last year and his guy dropped it so, he's no flash in the pan. He puts up big numbers, is very accurate, good leadership, seems respected by his teammates.

To me, in the second half, Caldwell and Harbaugh turned him loose and he ripped the Pat apart after starting tentative. The throws he made were 100% commited and not easy and were game winners.

I think he has been a guy anyone would be happy to build a team around. I think the second half against the Pats, if he wasn't already, made him 'elite' and, clearly, he beats the 9'ers and a VERY good D, he's a top dog. Maybe THE top dog in the AFC.



That being said, does Flacco belong in this list. Ray Rice has bailed him out ALOT. Torrey Smith has bailed him out ALOT and so had Anquan Bolden.

Being there to complete a pass, or being able to dodge blocks or plow through a defensive line is not really "bailing him out".

Yeah, Ray Rice makes some amazing plays. I believe this done with Flacco, not in spite of Flacco. Torrey Smith has made some incredible catches. Again this is done in conjunction with Flacco - not despite him. It's not like Smith has to constantly run 45 yards out of his way to catch another Flacco ####-up. The balls are thrown to him. He catches them. That's not bailing Flacco out. That's just playing football. It's a team sport.

Is Flacco great or is he surrounded by great players making him LOOK great?

Are these conditions mutually exclusive? Do you have to be surrounded by people who suck to be considered great?

I think it's like I said before. They may not build a statue to him outside The Hall of Fame, but he's head and shoulders above mediocre, and better than people give him credit for.