

Don't know if this actually qualifies as a bone-fide flipflop, but I thought I'd share with you the following:

Read this -> http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=sto..._in_response_to_president_bush_in_ohio154_xml

Pay special attention to the second paragraph where he says that "The American People don't want jokes." This was yesterday.

Today: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=694&e=2&u=/ap/kerry

(I'll leave the comments about Kerry's entire campaign being a joke as an excercise for the reader)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know what's annoying to me? All this talk about how Kerry needs to "improve his image". I admit I'm tickled pink every time Kerry makes an ass out of himself BUT it just goes to show how stupid we are, as a nation of voters.

Kerry hopes to be close to Bush on the debate stage so viewers can see how much taller he is.

Bush wants to keep the temperature at around 70 degrees so Kerry will start sweating and turn off the women.

Is this what we're really voting between? The taller candidate and the one that doesn't sweat?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Vrai dear...

Is this what we're really voting between? The taller candidate and the one that doesn't sweat?

You'll have to ask the undecideds. They liked Clinton over Bush and Dole. They liked W over Gore.

Most of us are chatting for amusements sake. Anyone who has not decided who to vote for, oh, about 30 days after Kerry was nomintated does not care a wit about the record of either man, what they do. There are interested in how they show.

Presidential debates, in this age where you can check someones career out in great detail and in little time from mutliple sources, are the ultimate in disdain for the voter.

"Look! He sweats! Ewww! Vote for me!"

"Look! I'm taller and have bigger hands and you KNOW what that means! Vote for me!"

What I LOVE is the media running to 'focus' groups right after the debates, so as to get 'fresh' opinions.

"We have Mariam here from Deluth and she's undecided. So, Mariam, what did you think?"

"Oh my, he made me moist!"

"OK. Mariam says X gets the desperate woman vote. Jim here is from Sheboygan and he to is undecided. So Jim?"

"Well, I'm a serious man and I pay attention to serious stuff. That old boy convinced me that he's serious about X."

"OK, dumb ass Jim, who's apparently given no serious consideration to anything until tonight says candidate Y get's the 'pretentious know-it-all' vote. Back to you Judy....Cut. God save the republic ..."

It's dog and pony time.