

Well-Known Member
A friend of mine is a huge fan of the local band FlipSwitch. Does anyone know if they have a website? I'm assuming that they do but I can't find one. Thanks.

Tard Hunter

New Member
sockgirl77 said:
And what would that be?
Crikey, that was fast; darted her without a struggle! Now to get her weighed, tagged and back into her habitat before she even realizes what happened.

BTW, there is a little known search tool available called 'Google'. This tool can be found at http://www.google.com

If you enter 'flipswitch' into this Google search tool, the first site that is returned happens to be http://www.flipswitchmusic.com/


Tard Hunter said:
Crikey, that was fast; darted her without a struggle! Now to get her weighed, tagged and back into her habitat before she even realizes what happened.

:yay: Nice shot!

Tard Hunter said:
BTW, there is a little known search tool available called 'Google'. This tool can be found at http://www.google.com

If you enter 'flipswitch' into this Google search tool, the first site that is returned happens to be http://www.flipswitchmusic.com/

:gossip: That's the linkage under the I_II


Well-Known Member
All that I asked for was a little help but I guess that's too much to ask for in here. Thanks to the one person who tried.


sockgirl77 said:
did that. didn't think it was the correct site. i'm smarter than your average bear!
:confused: The average bear has an IQ of about 12. Does that mean you are around a 15? :lol:


sockgirl77 said:
All that I asked for was a little help but I guess that's too much to ask for in here. Thanks to the one person who tried.
two people directed you to the site......... :duh:


Well-Known Member
all i know is that one of the bandmembers is from here b/c my friend is his cousin. they play out of Cadillac Jack's and Greendoor


Turd Ferguson said:
Apparently they've stolen a more popular band's name, then :shrug:
Who would have thought 2 bands would both pick a sucky name like Flipswitch?