Flock forgives minister who confesses to murder


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Flock forgives minister who confesses to 1994 slaying

" HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- The youth minister who confessed to a 1994 killing is being widely forgiven by members of his former congregation, who say they admire his courage in finally surrendering to police.

Calvin Wayne Inman, 29, confessed to a slaying he committed nearly 14 years ago, police say.

Calvin Wayne Inman, 29, remains jailed without bail since he was charged Wednesday with capital murder in the stabbing death of a convenience store clerk during a robbery. He was 16 at the time.

During Sunday's service at the 800-member Elim Church, congregants praised the recently ordained Inman as a born-again role model taking responsibility for his sin.

"He's a hero, really," said Kelley Graham, 24. "I don't know how many people would do what he did. The Bible says you just need to confess to God. Calvin took an extra step."

Flock forgives minister who confesses to 1994 slaying - CNN.com


New Member
Well he may have finally done the right thing, but i doubt the family of the person he killled would call him a hero.


New Member
The church people said they fogave him. But they never said they wanted him to go unpunished.

He probably confessed due to some new evidence that surfaced.