Florida Upsetting SArah Brady Again


Lovin' being Texican
Does not compute

Bruzilla said:

SunSentinel said:
Supporters of such laws say they prevent companies from forcing workers to give up their constitutional right to carry firearms. It's important for people to have their gun close at hand, they say, citing examples where employees must walk through dark parking lots after work.

If you're attacked in the dark parking lot, isn't it a little pretentious to say you were protected by a gun locked in the trunk of your car? And I'm sure the law will require the gun to be locked in a gun-safe or have a locking trigger guard while the gun is locked in your trunk.


No. Florida law allows you to keep a loaded handgun in your car as long as you have to do something before you can fire it, for example getting it from under a seat or in a console, unstrapping a holster, etc. The only thing you can't do is have it sitting unholstered on the seat. A guy in my squadron back in 1983 or so saved his bacon by having a gun in his car. He was at a nightclub and had several guys follow him out to his car following an argument. When he got to his car he pulled the pistol, which ended the discussion post haste and the guys went back to the club.

I would like to see this new law passed not for safety reasons but for convenience. As of now if I want to go shooting during a weekday I have to drive 20 miles home, 12 miles to the shooting range, and 12 miles back, whereas if I could have my gun on company property I could just stop at the range on my way home from work. Think of all the gas I could save for the country!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I would like to see this new law passed not for safety reasons but for convenience. As of now if I want to go shooting during a weekday I have to drive 20 miles home, 12 miles to the shooting range, and 12 miles back, whereas if I could have my gun on company property I could just stop at the range on my way home from work. Think of all the gas I could save for the country!
I wish Maryland had passed the law last year that would allow intermediate stops when carrying a firearm to or from a legitimate place, range, shop, gunsmith, home. As it is, if I run out of ammo or get thirsty while at the range and stop to buy more ammo or a soft drink, I violate the law. Stupid law.

Of course I really want them to pass a "shall issue" CCW law.


Back in like 1984 or so, I was coming back from the range and stopped at a Jiffy Store (7/11) to get some milk on the way home. I walked in, got the milk and some other stuff, and a Jacksonville Sheriff's Office deputy who was getting coffee came over and asked me how I'd done at the range. I looked at him like "how does he know where I'm coming from?" and he pointed to my waist, where I was still wearing my holster with a S&W Model 19 in it. I had holstered the gun when I went to retrieve my final targets and had been BS'ing with some guys and completely forgot to take the holster off.

I started laughing and said "sorry, I did so good I forgot to take the gun off," and the cop laughed and went out and got in his car and drove away. Ahhhh... the south.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Back in like 1984 or so, I was coming back from the range and stopped at a Jiffy Store (7/11) to get some milk on the way home. I walked in, got the milk and some other stuff, and a Jacksonville Sheriff's Office deputy who was getting coffee came over and asked me how I'd done at the range. I looked at him like "how does he know where I'm coming from?" and he pointed to my waist, where I was still wearing my holster with a S&W Model 19 in it. I had holstered the gun when I went to retrieve my final targets and had been BS'ing with some guys and completely forgot to take the holster off.

I started laughing and said "sorry, I did so good I forgot to take the gun off," and the cop laughed and went out and got in his car and drove away. Ahhhh... the south.