Floyd Landis...



Larry Gude said:
...allegatons of chemical enhancement and bicycles.

Anyone know much about this? Anyone care?

If I'm not mistaken, he's the one that won the Tour De' France. He seemed liek a really nice guy and innocent from all the interviews I've seen on TV. He was raised in an Amish community or Menenite and rode his bike alot growing up in this community in PA and they were worried about his love to his bicycle growing up. They said there is no way he was doing any kind of chemical enhancements and he too has denied it. They said it would take a few weeks to proove if it was just a false positive or whatever as they have had to retest. I like the guy and hope he and his name get cleared... Yes Larry, I care :huggy: Is the verdict out?


No Longer the Kid
All I know is the americans have been whooping some tail, and them french fools are just jealous...

Every year Armstrong won, he delt with this kinda crap, and the guy before him, same thing....

These people need to get over it, us americans are superb in 2 things... Butting our noses into everyone else's business, and bicycling :yay:


Larry Gude

Strung Out
So far...

dems4me said:
Is the verdict out?

...what I gather is the facts are vague. As I understand it, if he cheated, they don't have the proper rules and controls to prove it.

Guess we'll see...


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...what I gather is the facts are vague. As I understand it, if he cheated, they don't have the proper rules and controls to prove it.

Guess we'll see...
I heard this morning that the second test is back. He's fired from his team, suspended for two years and four years U.S. and international, and is banned from the Olympics.

He claims he'll be able to prove he's innocent, but I don't see how.

Larry Gude

Strung Out



"I put in more than 20,000 kilometers of training for the Tour. I won the Tour of California, Paris-Nice and the Tour de Georgia. I was tested eight times at the Tour (de France); four times before that stage and three times after, including three blood tests. Only one came back positive.

"Nobody in their right mind would take testosterone just once; it doesn't work that way."

And just how, my dear Landis, does it work? And how do you know?


Well-Known Member
dems4me said:
I still think he's innocent, he seems like a really nice guy and his folks seem nice too :shrug: I think it'd actually break my heart to find out he really is guilty... I won't believe, I just wont. :frown:

Isn't that what they said about Ted Bundy?


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
And just how, my dear Landis, does it work? And how do you know?

I have no clue myself, but there was a doctor on a talk show that said flat out there is no way in hell that he could have tested positive only once thru all those tests. The way he explained it is that you have to be taking it leading up to the event and it doesn't just disappear after you take it. The doc said all the tests after the bad test should have shown pretty close to the same results.


otter said:
I have no clue myself, but there was a doctor on a talk show that said flat out there is no way in hell that he could have tested positive only once thru all those tests. The way he explained it is that you have to be taking it leading up to the event and it doesn't just disappear after you take it. The doc said all the tests after the bad test should have shown pretty close to the same results.
He tested clean until the last stage, then that test and the subsequent test both had testosterone in them correct?


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
He tested clean until the last stage, then that test and the subsequent test both had testosterone in them correct?
not quite. His test after the 17th stage, the one he made up all the ground in and basically won because of, is the one that turned up positive. They automatically divide the samples in two in case their is a problem. one is tested, the other is sent somewhere safe and held until it is needed. Both of the "positive" tests were for the same stage of the race, and both came essentially from the same sample.

Here's the thing though. The test isn't for the level of testosterone, it measures the ratio between testosterone and epitestosterone(or somehting like that). the normal man will have a 1:1 ratio, the limit for the test is 4:1. unforutunately for landis, his testosterone levels weren't overly high(which would indicate the use of steroids) his epitestosterone was excessively low. either way the ratio is off, and he failed the test, does it mean he used a banned substance? still unknown.


Miller Tang Soo Do Rocks
There just pissed off that a US rider won again so there going to pull this crap every time.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
tugboater said:
There just pissed off that a US rider won again so there going to pull this crap every time.
Yea tha's it, you nailed it right on the head. We in US sports have a wonderful track record when it comes to performance enhancing drugs and telling the truth about them. :ohwell:
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Bustem' Down said:
Yea tha's it, you nailed it right on the head. We in US sports have a wonderful track record when it comes to performance enhancing drugs and telling the truth about them. :ohwell:
Oh comon now, I think in the last Olympics there were fewer American athletes sent home because they were caught milling around a bale of hay behind their hotel like the Bulgarian female cross country skiing team.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I met a guy at a party over the weekend who knows Landis and actually trained with him some, casually.

He says NO WAY he cheated on purpose. The conversation basically went like this; The powers that be have been trying to get us (Lance and Landis) for some time, that Lance was too savvy and had too many people around him who knew the game to let him get used. This guy thinks that 'they' somehow doped him after that stage. Food, water, somehow.

In other words, the tests are right but not because Landis cheated. Of course, there is NO way to prove this.

He went on to explain how the real cheating happens, using drug 'cycles' to not necessarily build muscle but to recover faster from intense training and nagging injuries, that what Landis proved positive for would have been useless at that point and that his performance when he made up so much ground that one day was perfectly normal; Supposedly, Landis posts his training info somewhere and these guys measure 'watts', how much energy they put to the pedals. Landis needed a 300 watt day to do that big of a catch up and apparently, that is huge, but not uncommon and Landis had days like that several times in training.

In any event, sounds like he got SCREWED.