Fly Kill...


Happy Camper
Since there isn't an area dedicated to pests, I figured I would put this here. We had a GIANT fly kill here!! Hubby went down to the basement yesterday evening and there must've been a million flies!!! Don't know where they cam from. No windows or doors left open or anything. Anyway, I was cleaning up dinner dishes, so when I was done, I grabbed my handy fly swatter (kept handy incase any of the little bastiges get in the kitchen area) and prepared to commit murder.

Too late!!! Hubby had taken things in hand. Took his handy gallon-sized jug of bug killer -- with attached spray nozzle --which is usually reserved for outdoors, around the foundation, etc., and started spraying everything that moved. Of course, he didn't think about the fact that the spray also got on the walls, tables, etc. Needless to say, we will be doing massive clean up this evening. It should have aired out enough by then!! :roflmao:

On the bright side, I don't think any bug in their right mind would even attempt to come into our house for the next 10 or 20 years!! :whistle: Anyone else notice the flies getting really antsy? Guess they know cooler weather is coming? :shrug: