Flyers fans Flyer-fanned by other Flyer fans.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Flyer fans are ####ED up.

Cap Center, mid 80's. Caps v. Flyers, both teams are good, hardcore rivalry.
There is this guy there, a little, skinny guy, alone, Flyer's jersey and BROKEN ARM IN A CAST.

I saw the guy get in three fights before he finally got tossed out. :lol:

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Exciting game!

It seems the NHL has been able to bridge the cap between old time high tension, every mistake is a disaster, 3-2 hockey and today's sloppy, wild west shootouts.

Yes? No?
It was a very sloppy game played by both teams. Philly's million dollar man gave Ovie a goal and Caps Goaltending was terrible.


Wonder what they would have done to Penguins fans. Bombed them?

Fans in knife fight after Flyers bus trip | Philadelphia Daily News | 10/05/2009

I know these loud mouth types. It was very common to get all "Flyered Up" at the Spectrum (later to become the First Union Spectrum or affectionately known as the FU Center). They just want to drink and yell about whatever. This could have happened if they weren't on their way back from a Flyer' s game, this type of neanderthal/meat head mentality is typical behavior in the intoxicated Philly and South Jersey male.


I know nothing
I know these loud mouth types. It was very common to get all "Flyered Up" at the Spectrum (later to become the First Union Spectrum or affectionately known as the FU Center). They just want to drink and yell about whatever. This could have happened if they weren't on their way back from a Flyer' s game, this type of neanderthal/meat head mentality is typical behavior in the intoxicated Philly and South Jersey male.

Urban Dictionary: guido




I can't stand them! When I lived at the Jersey Shore I was surrounded by them. It was the late 80s early 90s Z Cavaricci, high hair for the ladies, spiked flat top for the guys, tight acid washed jeans ripped of course coupled with oversize shirts.... :barf: I wanted no parts of it.

I received THE BEST compliment last night from my Birth Class instructor. When I told her where I was from she said, "WOW, and no accent, that's great!". I pride myself on that :diva: