Flying warning colors


Sorry about that chief.
What does everybody think of the new gov't plan to screen all air passengers, do background checks to see if they can fly?

You who know me know how I feel, I have run into trouble w/police a few times before because of another guy with the same name as me who is a dirtbag. I can't see anything good happening from this. But I also don't see any outrage over it and that worries me. I remember when this country was full of individualists not sheep.

Are Americans so scared of terrorists that they will allow this, or are they just complacent? Does anybody really think terrorists will hijack another plane in this (or any other) country nowdays?

And for all you bible memorizers, when do we all get the mark of the beast tattooed on our wrists, is Islam vs. Christian Gog vs. Magog.

Opinions please, its been too quiet on here for awhile.


New Member
Valid points indeed. But one must also consider that even terrorist will eventually have to board a plane to come here. If there is a checking protocal of some form that works with fingerprints, retinal scans, DNA whatever it makes it that much more difficult for them to move openly. Perhaps here in the US it might be giving into the paranoia but I would not have any problems with it being implemented overseas where they are coming from.

It might be high time or past time that we start using our technological resources for identification more in this instance than to worry about the invasion of privacy it causes. If someone has a reason to fear this stuff they will avoid it. If I am going to be a passenger on a flight I would feel at least more at ease knowing that the rest of the passengers as well have been screened and cleared. It's the uncertainty that I worry about more now than ever.

The ones in this country that are from Iraq, Iran and the rest of the terrorist overrun territories who are not terrorist should be thanking their lucky stars that the US did not revert back to what it did with the ones that were Japanese years ago and herd them into camps because we simply did not know who was legit and who was a sleeper agent. At the time directly after 9-11 the emotional state of the country could have easily done this. It's the human gut/knee jerk reaction to just such an event.

The undercover marshals on the flights is a good step but it's not a step that stops the terrorist from boarding the planes. ID check points or scanning stations whatever they want to call them is a means that will help prevent them from gaining access aboard the flight. Some of the items that they have now banned from flights seem silly like the nail files and tweezers etc. but before they were implemented look what took control of the aircraft on 9-11, ordinary box cutters and the threat of bombs on board. Well the threat of bombs on board is just about cancelled out now. I doubt any flights now would be intimidated by a couple of guys with box cutters. But there are other items that can cause injury as well. I wont publish here what they are but you can use your imagination.

We can't allow our country to go back to the care-free-calm that it was prior to 9-11. We know now what is at stake and what the terrorists are capable of pulling off when we are lax. This is just a deterrant to thwart their efforts to conduct terror strikes. They know now that jets make effective bombs. Anything that we can do that will make it too much of a hassle for them to try that again is fine by me. We don't need any more suicidal maniacs destroying lives and property over here. They have their own country to destroy let them strike there and become matyrs those are a dime a dozen over there now frankly we need all of them to become martyrs then they will be gone and the world can get back to becoming a peaceful planet once again. I support their right to destroy themselves but not at the risk of destroying US civillians. If your son or daughter were going on a flight would you feel better if you knew that the passenger list was verified or would you want them to fly at all on an unchecked flight? Do you feel it's worth their lives not to screen the passengers going thru the metal detectors? Ok granted I dont know if you have a son or daughter but the principle is still there. Put your wife/husband son/daughter Mom/Dad Sister/Brother into that situation what safeguards would you want to see that would garuntee a safer flight for them for yourself. Safety and Precaution go hand and hand you cant have one without the other. Skimping on one comprimes the whole.

These safeguards and checks are not there to invade your life they are there to ensure your life. Now as you mentioned you have a dirtbag with the same name which is identity theft and it's annoying yes. it can be costly yes. but you still have the credentials to prove your who you are. you still have fingerprints that wont match the perp. Your DNA is most definately going to be different. The retinal scan would be most definatly different. None of these things they can reproduce or use to claim to be you. At the same time those new techno checks can verify that your legit practically immediately due to the computer networks involved. If they were to attempt to use them they would get busted. It's simple logic. These same checks that can be performed to keep you free. Granted they are a hassle and in a perfect world they would not be required however we're not living in a perfect world. I share your ideals yes, I am not crazy about the added security but I am thankful that it's there.



Chairman of the Board
I think I saw the procedure - it takes about 15 seconds, tops. Maybe a lot less.

What's the big deal? To travel, I need a passport or a picture ID and a valid birth certificate.


New Member
Once your in the system it's fast but not everyone has had fingerprinting done on them unless they are govt. contractors, military law enforcement etc.. Your average supermarket teller for instance generally has not had this done. But yes once in the system it's fast and it's accurate. Though the inital phase may take what 10 minutes to endure. tops. ( that includes waiting your turn in line.)

As for terrorist ever attempting to hijack another plane well they did it with ours prior to the protocals going into effect and overseas they are much more lax than here and I wouldnt trust their screening process from Iraq or any of the other arab areas.

These ragheads are dumb enuff to figure they can do it again and will try to do it the first chance they get. It's their Mind(less)set they cant overcome their brainwashing.
So yeah they could attempt it again just not as easily as before. At least not here. But we do have flights that come in from their and I dont see a screening process for arrivals like I do for departures..

That concerns me more.



Sorry about that chief.
So you guys aren't worried about identity theft? I know people it has happened to and it sucks. You obviously don't work for the government if you don't think it can screw up a national ID database.

I personally don't think terrorists will use planes again, there are more ways to get their point across, just look at the way security forces pee their pants whenever some intel comes across nowdays, the terrorists have accomplished their goal. I don't recall the Brits running in fear when the IRA was bombing downtown London every week in the 70's or Spain w/the Basques, or Italy w/the Red Guard, or even Israel. For some reason all the "safety" precautions seem a little much.

I also think all the retina scans, fingerprints, and background checks in the world won't stop another attack, they wouldn't have stopped the first one. What we need is a DECENT counter-espionage agency that can stop the problem before it gets too big, and a better foreign policy that doesn't make 3rd world people hate us so much.


New Member
IMHO we lost this battle years ago when random road blocks were allowed to shake down the public in hopes of bagging a drunk. This is a natural progression of the "if you're not doing anything wrong, what do you have to fear" mentality.


Not dead yet. Has a humorous take on this today.

Jlabsher, you asked what the religious folks think about this in relation to the mark of the beast that will be needed to buy and sell as mentioned in the book of Revelations. IMHO this is just one more click of the ratchet as things are tightened down to that point.

Do I feel that this is something to become alarmed about or to resist on religious grounds? Not necessarily. According to what I have read in the Bible, things like this will happen to this world and they are sad signs, but if you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior you have no reason to be fearful. :biggrin: