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I had to look this one up, I read it years ago.

Ladies, Men can't hear you. So Yell Louder.

Men Hear Women's Melodies |

Psychiatrist Michael Hunter and fellow researchers at the University of Sheffield in England monitored the brain activity of 12 men as they listened to voice recordings and found they process male voices differently from those of females. Women's voices stimulate an area of the brain used for processing complex sounds, like music.

"Men Hear Women's Melodies." "Male and Female Voices Activate Distinct Regions in the Male Brain." Dilraj S. Sokhi et al. in NeuroImage, Vol. 27, No. 3, pages 572–578; September 2005.

Healthy Living: Study says guys naturally can't hear women's voices - Norwich, CT - The Bulletin

Ladies, have you ever wondered why a man sometimes doesn’t seem to hear or understand what you said?

A study at the University of Sheffield and published in the journal NeuroImage may provide the answer.


These researchers found differences in the way male and female brains process voice sounds. The results of this study demonstrate that, in the male brain, the perception of male and female voices activates different brain regions.


The men in the study had a harder time deciphering them and really hearing what a woman was saying. When they heard the female voices, they had to decipher them using the part of the brain that processes music — a more complex process than is used in the part of the brain that analyzes a male voice.


So, when listening to a woman’s voice, a man must make an extra effort subconsciously or consciously, to concentrate on what he is hearing. If he can’t (or won’t), then I guess he has an excuse for selective hearing.