Football and handball...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We, I, sneer at the rest of the world for calling 'soccer' football when it is, clearly, nothing like football as we know it.

However, soccer is, in fact, played with your feet, nearly exclusively, whereas our football is played, nearly exclusively, with the...hands.




They're out to get us
we don't sneer at the world, we just want to be right because we're americans and won't admit we're wrong :dance:


New Member
Originally there were no specific rules for football. Then rules began to be standardized in England resulting in the separation of Rugby Football from Association Football. American Football evolved from the Rugby Football line.

Pretty interesting articles on wikipedia about the histories of the various Football versions.


Football addict
Gotta' picture frame for you...:yay:......:buttkick:, when I come get my magazine back.....:killingme

I've been thinking about you the past month.

I collect comics and have a bunch of plastic sleeves so I put your magazine in one of those to protect it from future harm. Let me know when you're good on a return and I'll bring her along.:yay:

BTW, neat book!