Football line up Today


New Member
Afternoon All...:howdy:

TV line up for week 15 in the NFL:

Fox 5: Green Bay at St. Louis
WUSA9: Baltimore at Miami
WJZ 13: same.

NO Patriots Vs Jets game anywhere on Comacast TV!!!
Per Patriots schedule, it is to be shown on the CBS network...but we have to watch the Ravens instead..on 2 channels...

Any sports bars showing the Pats/Jetts game?

And of course..Our Skins play tonight (8pmish)...channels 4 and 11..against the Giants...Go Skins:yahoo:


New Member
Yeah, I'm kind of fed up with WUSA's :bs:

Why doesn't the station admit they don't like the Jaguars and will never carry a Jacksonville game. I'm stuck with Steelers games (even if Baltimore's playing at the same time) every other week. :shrug:


New Member
YW :huggy:

I've been raiding the internet for weeks ever since I missed the thrilling Jacksonville vs. Indianapolis game. :war:

TAHNK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! :love:

I love you!!!
Football on my PC!!!!
You are so smart!!!!!!!
I love my 24" monitor too!!!! WhooooHooooo:yahoo:

(This is so cool!!!!)


Well-Known Member
Was hoping to see the New England game, bet the playing conditions are horrible up there today, was hoping to see a game in the snow.
But I get the 2 worse teams in the AFC, Dolphins can't even keep the opening kickoff in bounds. This stinks.


New Member
Was hoping to see the New England game, bet the playing conditions are horrible up there today, was hoping to see a game in the snow.
But I get the 2 worse teams in the AFC, Dolphins can't even keep the opening kickoff in bounds. This stinks.
WUSA looks for and airs the worst game they can every week. :yawn: :snooze:


Well-Known Member
With the way its raining in Miami and they are calling for thunderstorms maybe they will have to stop the game for the storms to come through and maybe they'll switch to the NE.:yahoo:


New Member
With the way its raining in Miami and they are calling for thunderstorms maybe they will have to stop the game for the storms to come through and maybe they'll switch to the NE.:yahoo:

I am watching the NE game on my computer..Andy showed me the way!!!
Can you do the same thing?

And whyt Miami (yuck) vs Baltimore (yuck..) not like a win for either one really matters in the Great Playoff Picture.....


Well-Known Member
I'd enjoy Pittsburgh/Jacksonville game, the weather is proably nasty up there too, and these are 2 good teams playing for a playoff spot.

The other game they are playing for the 1st round draft pick.


New Member
New England Touchdown

Also, Jacksonville leads 3-0 against Pittsburgh with possession (according to NFL TV's "live scoreboard"that hasn't changed in 5 minutes).


New Member
I'd enjoy Pittsburgh/Jacksonville game, the weather is proably nasty up there too, and these are 2 good teams playing for a playoff spot.

The other game they are playing for the 1st round draft pick.
This is classic WUSA. Even if they did air Jax@Pit, they'd cut it off 20 minutes before it's over for another game's postgame highlights show.

Like I said, WUSA won't air Jacksonville games, no matter who they're playing. :shrug:

This has been the story ever since I moved here. That's the only reason I've watched Redskins football ever since I moved here.

Even if they do air the news in HD, WUSA SUCKS!!!! :war: